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单词 fob.
释义 fob.  fob. 也作 F.O.B.  abbr.(略语)Free on board. Free on board. fob 1  fob 1  AHD:  [f¼b] D.J.  [fKb]K.K.  [f$b]n.(名词)1. A small pocket at the front waistline of a man's trousers or in the front of a vest, used especially to hold a watch.表袋:男裤腰围部尤用于放钟表的小前兜或马甲前面的小兜2. A short chain or ribbon attached to a pocket watch and worn hanging in front of the vest or waist.表链:佩戴在马甲或腰前的与怀表连接的短链或短带3. An ornament or seal attached to such a chain or ribbon.表链上的饰物:连接在此种短链或短带上的饰物或标记语源:[Probably of Germanic origin] [可能源于日耳曼语]  fob 2  fob 2  AHD:  [f¼b] D.J.  [fKb]K.K.  [f$b]及物动词)  fobbed,,fobs 【古语】 To cheat or deceive (another).欺骗:欺诈或欺骗(另一个人)常用词组:fob off  1. To dispose of (goods) by fraud or deception; palm off:以冒牌或假(货)欺骗;(以欺骗手段)卖给:fobbed off the zircon as a diamond.把锆石当成钻石冒牌出售2. To put off or appease by deceitful or evasive means:安抚,哄骗:以欺骗或躲避的手段拖延或安抚:needed help but was fobbed off with promises.需要帮助,但却被承诺所欺骗语源:1. Middle English fobben 中古英语 fobben 2. probably from fob [trickster] 可能源自 fob [骗术]




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