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单词 fold
释义 fold[fəuld]n. 折层, 折, 羊栏, 折痕, 信徒vt. 折叠, 包, 合拢, 交迭vi. 折叠起来, 彻底失败【计】 折叠; 合并【化】 折叠【医】 襞, 褶相关词组:fold up fold 1  fold 1  AHD:  [f½ld] D.J.  [f*&ld]K.K.  [fold]v.(动词)  fold.ed,,folds及物动词)1. To bend over or double up so that one part lies on another part:折叠:折叠或重叠以使一部分与另一部分叠合:fold a sheet of paper.叠一张纸2. To make compact by doubling or bending over parts:叠起来:重叠或折叠各部分以使其紧密:folded the laundry; folded the chairs for stacking.折起洗好的衣服;折起椅子放在一边3. To bring from an extended to a closed position:收起来:由伸张的姿势合拢收紧:The hawk folded its wings.老鹰收拢了翅膀4. To bring from a compact to an extended position; unfold:展开:从紧缩的姿势到伸张的姿势;打开:a suitcase that folds out to become a display table; folded the ironing board down from the wall.能打开成一张展览桌的公文包;从墙上拆下来的熨板5. To place together and intertwine:交臂:放置在一起并互相盘绕:fold one's arms.双臂交叉放在胸前6. To envelop or clasp; enfold:封入,拥抱:封入或扣紧;拥抱:folded his children to his breast; folded the check into the letter.把他的孩子搂到怀里;把支票放进信封内7. To blend in (a cooking ingredient) by gently turning a mixture on top of it:混入:轻轻旋转上层的混合液并掺入(一种烹调用的调料):folded the beaten egg whites into the batter.把捣碎的蛋清加到牛奶面糊中搅拌8. Informal To discontinue operating; close:【非正式用语】 关闭:中止操作;关闭:They had to fold the company a year after they started it.他们开张一年后不得不关闭这个公司9. Games To withdraw (one's hand) in defeat, as by laying cards face down on a table.【游戏】 收回:在失利时收回(手),如把牌面朝下放在桌上10. Geology To form bends in (a stratum of rock).【地质学】 地层褶曲:(在地层的岩石上)形成弯曲v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To become folded.被折叠2. To be capable of being folded:可折叠:能够被折叠:a bed that folds for easy storage.易收藏的折叠床3. Informal To close, especially for lack of financial success; fail.【非正式用语】 失败,关门大吉:尤指在经济上的失败;失利4. Games To withdraw from a game in defeat.【游戏】 退出比赛:因失利而退出游戏5. Informal 【非正式用语】 6. To give in; buckle:屈服;抵挡不住:a team that never folded under pressure.一个从不屈服于压力的球队7. To weaken or collapse from exertion.筋疲力尽:因费力而变弱或垮掉n.(名词)1. The act or an instance of folding.折叠:折叠的动作或事例2. A part that has been folded over or against another:叠起部分:与另一部分折叠的部分:the loose folds of the drapery; clothes stacked in neat folds.帘子上的松褶;整齐叠放的衣服3. A line or mark made by folding; a crease:层,折痕:折出的皱褶;折痕:tore the paper carefully along the fold.沿折痕小心地裁开这张纸4. A coil or bend, as of rope.一卷:一卷或一圈,如绳圈等线圈或带子5. Chiefly British A hill or dale in undulating country.【多用于英国】 山谷:位于波状起伏山区的山或谷6. Geology A bend in a stratum of rock.【地质学】 地层折曲:岩石地层的褶曲7. Anatomy A crease or ridge apparently formed by folding, as of a membrane; a plica.【解剖学】 折痕:如膜状物等明显由折叠形成的折痕或脊;皱襞语源:1. Middle English folden 中古英语 folden 2. from Old English fealdan, faldan * see  pel- 2源自 古英语 fealdan, faldan *参见 pel- 2继承用法:fold“able  adj.(形容词) fold 2  fold 2  AHD:  [f½ld] D.J.  [f*&ld]K.K.  [fold]n.(名词)1. A fenced enclosure for domestic animals, especially sheep.羊栏:尤指羊圈等为家畜圈起的一块地2. A flock of sheep.一群羊3. A group of people or institutions bound together by common beliefs and aims:同道,同好:一群人或几个机构因共同的信仰和目标而聚集在一起:“He is a living testament to the wisdom of admitting lay psychoanalysts into the official fold”(&b{Jerome Bruner})“他是把非本行的心理分析师纳入正式领域的智慧的活见证”(杰尔姆·布鲁纳)4. A religious congregation:教会:一个宗教的集会:The priest welcomed new parishioners into the fold.教士欢迎新的教区居民加入宗教集会及物动词)  fold.ed,,folds To place or keep (sheep, for example) in a fenced enclosure.把…关进栏中:把(如羊)放入或养在一个有篱的圈内语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English fald 源自 古英语 fald  -fold  -fold  suff.(后缀)1. Divided into a specified number of parts:分成几小份的:fivefold.分成五份2. Multiplied by a specified number:…倍的:增加具体数的:fiftyfold.50倍的语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English -feald, -fald * see  pel- 2源自 古英语 -feald, -fald *参见 pel- 2




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