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单词 fool
释义 fool[fu:l]n. 愚人, 受骗者, 奶油拌水果vt. 愚弄, 欺骗, 浪费vi. 干傻事, 开玩笑, 游荡a. 傻的相关词组:make a fool of sbfool sb into doing sthtake sb for a foolfool aboutbe a fool to... fool  fool  AHD:  [f›l] D.J.  [fu8l]K.K.  [ful]n.(名词)1. One who is regarded as deficient in judgment, sense, or understanding.蠢人,白痴:被认为缺乏判断、感觉或理解力的人2. One who acts unwisely on a given occasion:傻子:在一特定时刻做事不明智的人:I was a fool to have refused the job.我真傻,拒绝了那项工作3. One who has been tricked or made to appear ridiculous; a dupe:容易受骗的人:受愚弄的人或弄得看起来可笑的人;易受骗的人:They made a fool of me by pretending I won the award.他们骗我假装得了奖金而愚弄我4. Informal A person with a talent or an enthusiasm for a certain activity:【非正式用语】 对某活动热爱的人:对某项活动具有天才或热情的人:a dancing fool; a fool for skiing.舞迷;滑冰迷5. A member of a royal or noble household who provided entertainment, as with jokes or antics; a jester.弄臣,宫廷小丑:一些皇室或贵族家庭成员,他们提供娱乐如讲笑话或表演滑稽动作;小丑6. A dessert made of stewed or puréed fruit mixed with cream or custard and served cold.奶油拌水果:一种甜点,由炖水果和冰淇淋或牛奶蛋糊和冰冻混合成7. Archaic A mentally deficient person; an idiot.【古语】 白痴:智力缺陷的人;傻瓜v.(动词)  fooled,,fools及物动词)1. To deceive or trick; dupe:蒙骗或愚弄;欺骗:“trying to learn how to fool a trout with a little bit of floating fur and feather”(&b{Charles Kuralt})“试着学习如何用一点的皮毛和羽毛来引鳟鱼上钩”(查尔斯·库拉尔特)2. To confound or prove wrong; surprise, especially pleasantly:使混淆,使惊喜:混淆或证明错误;惊奇,尤其是高兴地:We were sure they would fail, but they fooled us.我们确信他们将失败,但他们却使我们惊喜v.intr.(不及物动词)1. Informal 【非正式用语】 2. To speak or act facetiously or in jest; joke:滑稽表演,开玩笑:滑稽地或诙谐地说或做;开玩笑:I was just fooling when I said you couldn't have any of my candy.我说你不能拿我的糖,那是在开玩笑3. To behave comically; clown.举止滑稽;扮小丑4. To feign; pretend:假装;伪装:He said he had a toothache but it turned out he was only fooling.他说他牙疼,但结果他只是在伪装5. To engage in idle or frivolous activity.干蠢事:涉及无用或琐碎的行动6. To toy, tinker, or mess:玩弄,粗劣修补,混乱:shouldn't fool with matches.不能乱玩火柴adj.Informal (形容词)【非正式用语】 Foolish; stupid:傻的;愚蠢的:off on some fool errand or other.出去干一些愚蠢的差事常用词组:fool around 【非正式用语】  1. To engage in idle or casual activity; putter:干一些无聊或随便的事;懒散地工作:was fooling around with some figures in hopes of balancing the budget.懒散地算着数字,希望能平衡开支2. To engage in frivolous activity; make fun.做轻浮的事;开玩笑3. To engage in casual, often promiscuous sexual acts.滥交:从事随意,常是乱搞性行为fool away  To waste (time or money) foolishly; squander:愚蠢地浪费(时间或钱);挥霍:fooled away the week's pay on Friday night.周五晚上花掉了整个星期的工资习惯用语:play the fool 或  act the fool  1. To act in an irresponsible or foolish manner.出丑:以愚蠢而不负责任的表现2. To behave in a playful or comical manner.以滑稽,玩笑的方式行动语源:1. Middle English fol 中古英语 fol 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Late Latin follis [windbag, fool] 源自 后期拉丁语 follis [空谈家,愚人] 4. from Latin follis [bellows] * see  bhel- 2源自 拉丁语 follis [风箱] *参见 bhel- 2注释:The pejorative nature of the termfool  is only strengthened by a knowledge of its etymology. Its source, the Latin wordfollis,  meant “a bag or sack, a large inflated ball, a pair of bellows.” Users of the word in Late Latin, however, saw a resemblance between the bellows or the inflated ball and a person who was what we would call “a windbag” or “an airhead.”The word, which passed into English by way of French,is first recorded in English in a work written around the beginning of the 13th centurywith the sense “a foolish, stupid, or ignorant person.”词语fool 的轻蔑性质只有用它的语源知识才能体会深刻。 它的词源,拉丁词fillis 意思是“一个袋子,一个大的充气球,一对风箱”。 然而在后期拉丁语中此词使用者发现一个风箱或充气球与一个我们称为“空谈者”或“自大者”之间有相似之处。这个词通过法语传入英语,在英语中最早记录在一本写于大约为13世纪初的书中,意思是“笨的,傻的或愚昧的人”




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