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单词 forgive
释义 forgive[fə'giv]vt. 原谅, 宽恕, 免除【法】 免除, 宽恕, 原谅 forgive  for.give  AHD:  [f…r-g¹v“, fôr-] D.J.  [f*6g!v, f%8r-]K.K.  [f+6g!v, f%r-]v.(动词)  for.gave[-g³v“] for.giv.en[-g¹v“…n],及物动词)1. To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon.原谅:容许失误或过失;原谅2. To renounce anger or resentment against.饶恕,宽恕:宣布对…放弃生气或怨恨3. To absolve from payment of (a debt, for example).宽免:豁免,免除(如债务)v.intr.(不及物动词)To accord forgiveness.给予原谅,宽恕语源:1. Middle English forgiven 中古英语 forgiven 2. from Old English forgiefan * see  ghabh- 源自 古英语 forgiefan *参见 ghabh- 继承用法:forgiv“able  adj.(形容词)forgiv“ably  adv.(副词)forgiv“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. forgive,pardon,excuse,condone2. These verbs mean to refrain from imposing punishment on an offender or demanding satisfaction for an offense.The first three can be used as conventional ways of offering apology, as for minor infractions of social proprieties: 这些动词有避免把惩罚强加于冒犯者或要求弥补的意思。前三个词可用于因稍有违背交往习惯而做的习惯性道歉: “Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them” (Oscar Wilde).“孩子们开始时爱着他们的父母,长大些后评价他们;有时会谅解他们” (奥斯卡·王尔德)。3. Pardon  more strongly implies release from the liability for or penalty entailed by an offense: Pardon  更侧重于免除因犯罪而应付的责任或惩罚的意思: Failure to protest police brutality may indicate a willingness to condone it. 反抗警察暴行的失败暗示着宽恕其行为。




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