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单词 form
释义 form[fɒ:m]n. 形状, 形体, 类型, 方式, 表格, 形式vt. 形成, 排列, (使)组成vi. 形成, 排列, (使)组成n. 表单【计】 表单【医】 形状, 形态, 型相关词组:in the form of...lose one's formrun true to form form  form  AHD:  [fôrm] D.J.  [f%8m]K.K.  [f%rm]n.(名词)1. The shape and structure of an object.形状:物体的样子和构造2. The body or outward appearance of a person or an animal considered separately from the face or head; figure.形体,身材:动物或人除脸或头外的身体或外貌;身材3. The essence of something.本质:某物的本质4. The mode in which a thing exists, acts, or manifests itself; kind:形式,种类:某物存在、运作、显现的方式;种类:a form of animal life; a form of blackmail.动物的生活方式;恐吓的方式5. Procedure as determined or governed by regulation or custom.步骤:由规则或习俗确定或支配的程序6. A fixed order of words or procedures, as for use in a ceremony; a formula.仪式:一种固定的次序或程序,用于仪式等;规则7. A document with blanks for the insertion of details or information:表格:留有空格供填写具体情况或信息的文书:insurance forms.保险表格8. Manners or conduct as governed by etiquette, decorum, or custom.举止:由礼节、礼仪或习俗支配的举止或行为9. Behavior according to a fixed or accepted standard:行为:合乎固定或认可标准的行为:Tardiness is considered bad form.拖拉被认为是一种不良行为10. Performance considered with regard to acknowledged criteria:表现:以公认技术为评判标准的表现:a good jump shooter having an unusual form.表现与众不同的优秀跳投者11. Proven ability to perform:水平,状态:已知的表现能力:a musician at the top of her form.水平处于顶峰的音乐家12. Fitness, as of an athlete or animal, with regard to health or training.状态:与健康或训练有关的运动员或动物的竞技状态13. The past performance of a racehorse.赛马过去的表现14. A racing form.赛马成绩记录表15. Method of arrangement or manner of coordinating elements in literary or musical composition or in organized discourse:形式:有规则地将文字、乐章或推理要素排列起来的方式:presented my ideas in outline form; a treatise in the form of a dialogue.用提纲的形式表现我的想法;对话形式的论文16. A particular type or example of such arrangement:体裁:这种排列的特定类型或实例:The essay is a literary form.散文是一种文字体裁17. The design, structure, or pattern of a work of art:结构:一件艺术的设计、结构或模式:symphonic form.交响曲18. A mold for the setting of concrete.模板:浇注混凝土的模板19. A model of the human figure or part of it used for displaying clothes.人体模型:人体或部分人体支架模型,用于展示服装20. A proportioned model that may be adjusted for fitting clothes.可调整大小比例的模型:与人体相称的,常可调整的模型,以适用各种服装21. A grade in a British secondary school or in some American private schools:年级:指英国中学或美国一些私立学校中的年级:the sixth form.六年级22. A linguistic form.语型:一种语言学形式23. The external aspect of words with regard to their inflections, pronunciation, or spelling:字的形式变化:因词形、发音或拼写变化的一个词的不同形体之一:verb forms.动词词形24. Chiefly British A long seat; a bench.【多用于英国】 长椅子;长板凳25. The resting place of a hare.野兔的栖息地点26. Botany A subdivision of a variety usually differing in one trivial characteristic, such as flower color.【植物学】 分类:通常有细微特性区别的种属的再分,如花色的再分v.(动词)  formed,,forms及物动词)1. To give form to; shape:做成;成形:form clay into figures.将泥土捏成泥像2. To develop in the mind; conceive:想出:在脑海中形成;想象:form an opinion.形成想法3. To shape or mold (dough, for example) into a particular form.塑造:将(面团等)塑造或浇铸成一特殊形状4. To arrange oneself in:成形:让自己形成:Holding out his arms, the cheerleader formed a T. The acrobats formed a pyramid.啦啦队长伸出手臂做成T形;杂技演员们形成一座金字塔5. To organize or arrange:组织或安排:The environmentalists formed their own party.环境保护主义者组成了自己的团体6. To fashion, train, or develop by instruction or precept:造成,形成:通过指导或训导形成、训练或发展:form a child's mind.造就孩子的想法7. To come to have; develop or acquire:养成:养成;发展或获得:form a habit.养成习惯8. To constitute or compose a usually basic element, part, or characteristic of.构成:组成或作为…通常的基本要素、成分或特性9. To produce (a tense, for example) by assuming an inflection:形成:通过采用曲折变化构成(如时态):form the pluperfect.构成过去完成时10. To make (a word) by derivation or composition.衍生:用派生法或复合法构(词)11. To put in order; arrange.排列;整理v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To become formed or shaped.形成或成型2. To come into being by taking form; arise.出现:以显现某种形式的方式产生;出现3. To assume a specified form, shape, or pattern.具有特殊的形态:排成一定形式、形状或模式语源:1. Middle English forme 中古英语 forme 2. from Latin f½rma 源自 拉丁语 f½rma 继承用法:form”abil“ity  n.(名词)form“able  adj.(形容词)参考词汇:1. form,figure,shape,configuration,contour,profile2. These nouns refer to the external outline of a thing.这些名词指的是一个物体的外部曲线。3. Form   is the outline and structure of a thing as opposed to its substance: Form  是相对于一个物体本质而言的某物的外形和构造: a garden in the form of a lovers' knot.同心结状的花园。4. Figure   refers usually to form as established by bounding or enclosing lines: Figure  常指按照限定或围起的线条成形: “Europe is disclosed as a prone and emaciated figure, the Alps shaping like a backbone, and the branching mountain chains like ribs, the peninsular plateau of Spain forming a head” (Thomas Hardy).“欧洲象一个前倾而憔悴的人,阿尔卑斯山脉象他的脊椎,支脉象肋骨,西班牙的半岛高原则形成头” (托马斯·哈代)。5. Shape   implies three-dimensional definition that indicates both outline and bulk or mass: Shape  含有立体的概念,指轮廓和体积: “Rowing [at night] &I{, he faced her, a hooded and cloaked shape”}  (Joseph Conrad).“划船时 ,他面对着她,一个戴头巾,斗篷的模样”  (约瑟夫·康拉德)。6. Configuration  stresses the pattern formed by the arrangement of parts within an outline: Configuration  强调在轮廓内将几部分排列起形成的模型: The map shows the configuration of the North American continent, with its mountains, rivers, and plains.地图描绘出北美大陆的地形以及它的山脉、河流和平原。7. Contour   refers especially to the outline of a three-dimensional figure: Contour  尤指一个立体物的轮廓: I ran my finger along the soft, curving contour of the child's cheek.我抚摸着孩子柔和、轮廓深刻的面颊。8. Profile  denotes the outline of something viewed against a backgroundand especially the outline of the human face in side view: Profile  指在某背景之下显现出的轮廓,尤指人的侧面像: The profile of the old warrior was characterized by a strong jaw and an aquiline nose. 老战士侧面像的特征是一个坚硬的下巴和一个鹰钩鼻。  -form  -form  suff.(后缀)Having the form of:具有…形状的:plexiform.网状的语源:1. New Latin -f½rmis 现代拉丁语 -f½rmis 2. from Latin f½rma [form] 源自 拉丁语 f½rma [形状]




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