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单词 alveolar
释义 alveolar[æl'viələ]a. 牙槽的, 肺泡的n. 齿槽音【医】 牙槽的, 小泡的 alveolar  AHD:  [²l-v¶“…-l…r] D.J.  [#l6vi8*l*]K.K.  [#l6vi*l+]adj.(形容词)1. Of or relating to an alveolus.小泡状的:有小泡的或与之相关的2. Anatomy 【解剖学】 3. Relating to the jaw section containing the tooth sockets:牙槽的:与包含牙床的颚部有关的:the alveolar ridge.牙槽4. Relating to the alveoli of the lungs.与肺泡有关的5. Linguistics Formed with the tip of the tongue touching or near the inner ridge of the gums of the upper front teeth, as the Englisht, d,  and s.  【语言学】 齿龈音的,齿槽音的:用舌尖接触或靠近上前牙龈内侧边缘而形成的发音,如英语语音 t, d, 和 s  n.Linguistics (名词)【语言学】 An alveolar sound.齿槽音,齿龈音继承用法:alve“olarly  adv.(副词)




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