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单词 fracture
释义 fracture['fræktʃə]n. 破碎, 骨折vt. (使)破碎, (使)破裂vi. (使)破碎, (使)破裂【化】 断口; 断裂; 裂缝; 骨折【医】 骨折, 折断 fracture  frac.ture  AHD:  [fr²k“ch…r] D.J.  [6fr#kt.*]K.K.  [6fr#kt.+]n.(名词)1. The act or process of breaking.破碎:打碎的动作或过程2. The condition of having been broken or ruptured:破裂:被打碎或打裂的状态:“a sudden and irreparable fracture of the established order”(&b{W. Bruce Lincoln})“本已确立的秩序的突然而无法挽救的破裂”(W.布鲁斯·林肯)3. A break, rupture, or crack, especially in bone or cartilage.骨折:尤指在骨头或软骨上的破碎、破裂或裂缝4. Mineralogy 【矿物学】 5. The characteristic manner in which a mineral breaks.断裂:矿物破碎的典型方式6. The characteristic appearance of the surface of a broken mineral.断面:破碎矿物表面的典型外观7. Geology A crack or fault in a rock.【地质学】 岩石的裂缝或断层v.(动词)  frac.tured,,frac.tures及物动词)1. To cause to break:使破碎:fracture a bone.折断骨头2. To disrupt or destroy as if by breaking:使破裂:仿佛由折断引起的分裂或毁坏:fractured the delicate balance of power.破坏了权利的微妙平衡3. To abuse or misuse flagrantly, as by violating rules:滥用:严重地滥用或错用,如违反规定:ignorant writers who fracture the language.滥用语言的无知作家4. Slang To cause to laugh heartily:【俚语】 引起大笑:“Jack Benny fractured audiences .  . . for more than 50 years”(&b{Newsweek})“杰克·本尼…五十多年来给观众带来了很多欢乐”(新闻周刊)v.intr.(不及物动词)To undergo a fracture.See Synonyms at break 被折断参见 break语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin fr³ct&9{¿ra} 源自 拉丁语 fr³ct&9{¿ra} 4. from fr³ctus [past participle of] frangere [to break] * see  bhreg- 源自 fr³ctus  [] frangere的过去分词 [打碎] *参见 bhreg-




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