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单词 franklin
释义 franklin  frank.lin  AHD:  [fr²ng“kl¹n] D.J.  [6fr#0kl!n]K.K.  [6fr#0kl!n]n.(名词)A medieval English freeholder of nonnoble birth holding extensive property.富兰克林:中世纪出身卑贱的地产所有者,拥有巨大的财富语源:1. Middle English frankelein 中古英语 frankelein 2. from Anglo-Norman fraunclein 源自 英法语 fraunclein 3. from Anglo-Norman franc * see  frank 1源自 英法语 franc *参见 frank1 Franklin 1  Frank.lin  AHD:  [fr²ngk“l¹n] D.J.  [6fr#0kl!n]K.K.  [6fr#0kl!n]NONE(无词性)1. A former district of northeast Northwest Territories, Canada. Created in 1895, it is now in the Baffin Region.富兰克林:以前加拿大西北地区东北部的一个区域。创建于1895年,现在在巴芬地带2. A town of southeast Massachusetts near the Rhode Island border southwest of Boston. It was settled in 1660. Population, 22,095.富兰克林:美国马萨诸塞州东南部一城镇,邻罗得岛边缘,位于波士顿西南部。1666年在此建立了殖民地。人口22,0953. A city of southeast Wisconsin, a residential suburb of Milwaukee. Population, 21,855.富兰克林:美国威斯康星州东南部一城市,密尔沃基的居住郊区。人口21,855 Franklin 2  Franklin&B{Aretha} (&b{Born 1942})  NONE(无词性)American singer whose popular songs of the mid-1960's include “Respect.”富兰克林,阿希亚:(生于 1942) 美国歌唱家,她的20世纪60年代中期最著名的歌曲有“尊重” Franklin 3  Franklin&B{Benjamin} (&b{1706-1790})  NONE(无词性)American public official, writer, scientist, and printer. After the success of hisPoor Richard's Almanac  (1732-1757), he entered politics and played a major part in the American Revolution. Franklin negotiated French support for the colonists, signed the Treaty of Paris (1783), and helped draft the Constitution (1787-1789). His numerous scientific and practical innovations include the lightning rod, bifocal spectacles, and a stove. 富兰克林,本杰明:(1706-1790) 美国政府官员、作家、科学家和印刷业者。当他的作品《穷理查的历书》 成功之后(1732-1757年),他进入了政界并在美国革命中起了重要作用。富兰克林通过谈判说服法国支持殖民地、签署了巴黎和约(1783年)并帮助起草了宪法(1787-1789年)。他的众多的科学发明包括避雷针、双焦点的眼镜和暖炉  Franklin 4  FranklinSir &B{John} (&b{1786-1847})  NONE(无词性)British explorer who led a search for the Northwest Passage (1845-1847) on which he and his 129-man crew perished. A record of the expedition's discovery of the passage was found in 1857.富兰克林,约翰:(1786-1847) 英国探险家,1845-1847年率队探寻西北航道时他与其他129名船员全部遇难。关于远征时发现航道的记录在1857年被找到 Franklin 5  Franklin&B{John Hope} (&b{Born 1915})  NONE(无词性)American historian noted for his studies of Black American history, such asFrom Slavery to Freedom  (1947). 富兰克林,约翰·霍普:(生于 1915) 美国历史学家,以其对美国黑人历史的研究而出名,作品如《从奴隶到自由》 (1947年)




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