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单词 Friuli
释义 Friuli  AHD:  [fr¶“…-l¶”, fr¶-›“l¶] D.J.  [6fri8*7li8, fri86u8li8]K.K.  [6fri*7li, fri6uli]NONE(无词性)A historical region and former duchy of Italy in present-day northeast Italy and northwest Yugoslavia. Occupied by the Romans in the second centuryb.c. , it became a Lombard duchy in the sixth century a.d.  and was conquered by various peoples and states before being ceded to Italy in 1866 (the western part) and 1919 (the eastern part). Eastern Friuli was awarded to Yugoslavia by treaty in 1947. 弗留利区:一历史原属意大利公爵领地的地区,在现今意大利东北和南斯拉夫西北。公元前 2世纪被罗马人占领, 公元后 6世纪成为伦巴第公爵的一块领地,曾被各种人或政权征服过直到1866年(西部)及1919年(东部)归于意大利。1947年东部弗留利通过和约割给南斯拉夫




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