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单词 Abydos
释义 Abydos  AHD:  […-bº“d¼s] D.J.  [*6ba!dKs]K.K.  [*6ba!d$s]NONE(无词性)1. An ancient town of Asia Minor on the Asiatic coast of the Hellespont in modern-day Turkey. It was the scene of the legendary tale of Hero and Leander.阿比杜斯:小亚细亚的一个古老城镇,位于今天土耳其达达尼尔海峡的亚洲海岸。希罗与勒安得耳的传说即发生于此地2. An ancient city of southern Egypt on the Nile River northwest of Thebes. One of the oldest Egyptian cities, it was a religious center for the worship of Osiris and a burial site for the kings of the earliest dynasties.阿比杜斯:尼罗河上埃及南部一古老城市,位于底比斯西北部。为埃及最古老的城市之一,是供奉俄赛里斯神的宗教中心又是最早期各代帝王的埋葬地




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