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单词 frying pan
释义 frying pan煎锅, 长柄平底锅 frying pan pan  AHD:  [frº“¹ng] D.J.  [6fra!!0]K.K.  [6fra!!0]n.(名词)A shallow, long-handled pan used for frying food.Also called  Regional fry pan ,skillet Regional spider 煎锅:一种用以煎食物的长柄煎锅也作  【区域的】 fry pan,skillet【区域的】 spider注释:The termsfrying pan  and skillet  are now virtually interchangeable, but there was a time when they were so regionalas to be distinct dialect markers.Frying pan and the shortened version fry pan  were once New England terms; frying pan is now in general use. Skillet seems to have been confined to the Midland section of the country, including the Upper South.Its use is still concentrated there,but it is no longer used in that area alone,probably because of the national marketing of skillet dinner mixes.The termspider,  originally denoting a type of frying pan that had long legs to hold it up over the coals,spread from New England westward to the Upper Northern states and down the coast to the South Atlantic states.It is still well known in both these regions, although it is now considered old-fashioned.下列词frying pan 和 skillet 在当今的实际应用中可以互相转化, 但有一段时间它们曾经非常有地区性,被说不同方言的人所使用。Frying pan 和简写形式 fry pan 曾是新英格兰用法; frying pan 如今较普遍使用。 Skillet 似乎曾专用于美国中部地区, 包括上南部。此用法依然集中在此地区,但不再只限于此地区,大概是因为锅煮混合菜的全国性推广。单词spider 原本指一种煎锅, 有将锅身架于炭火上的长腿,它被从新英格兰向西推广到上北方各州并向南推广到沿南大西洋各州。此词虽然现已过时,但在这些地区依然尽人皆知




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