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单词 fund
释义 fund[fʌnd]n. 基金, 资金, 存款, 财源, 贮藏vt. 提供资金, 积累【化】 基金 fund  fund  AHD:  [f¾nd] D.J.  [fJnd]K.K.  [fJnd]n.(名词)1. A source of supply; a stock:储备:供应源;储备:a fund of goodwill.慈善储备2. A sum of money or other resources set aside for a specific purpose:基金:为特定目的而拨出的钱款:a pension fund.退休基金3. funds Available money; ready cash:funds 现金;预付金:short on funds.现金短缺4. funds The stock of the British permanent national debt, considered as public securities. Used withthe.  funds 公债:英国永久国债股票,当作公共有价证券使用。与the 连用 5. An organization established to administer and manage a sum of money.基金管理机构:建立用于管理和安排资金的机构及物动词)  fund.ed,,funds 1. To provide money for paying off the interest or principal of (a debt).拨款偿付:拨款偿付(债款)的利息或本金2. To convert into a long-term or floating debt with fixed interest payments.转为长期:转为有固定利息的长期借款或流动债务3. To place in a fund for accumulation.积累,积聚:为积累而放入的资金4. To furnish a fund for:资助:为…提供资金:funded the space program.资助太空计划语源:Latin fundus [bottom, piece of land] 拉丁语 fundus [底端,一片地]




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