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单词 funeral
释义 funeral['fju:nərəl]n. 葬礼, 出殡 funeral  AHD:  [fy›“n…r-…l] D.J.  [6fju8n*r*l]K.K.  [6fjun*r*l]n.(名词)1. The ceremonies held in connection with the burial or cremation of a dead person.葬礼:与死者土葬或火化有关而举行的仪式2. Archaic The eulogy delivered or the sermon preached at such a ceremony.【古语】 悼文:葬礼上的布道或悼词3. The burial procession accompanying a body to the grave.出殡的行列:伴随死者到墓地去的出殡行列4. An end or a cessation of existence.结束或终止5. Slang A source of concern or care:【俚语】 麻烦事,倒霉事:If he doesn't meet the deadline, it's his funeral.要是他最后一刻还不交出来,那他不会有好果子吃的adj.(形容词)Of, relating to, or resembling a funeral.葬礼的:葬礼的、与此有关的或似葬礼的语源:1. Middle English funerelles [funeral rites] 中古英语 funerelles [葬礼仪式] 2. from Old French funerailles 源自 古法语 funerailles 3. from Medieval Latin f&9{¿ner³lia} [neuter pl. of] f&9{¿}ner³lis [funereal] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 f&9{¿ner³lia}  [] f&9{¿}ner³lis的中性复数 [葬礼的] 4. from Late Latin 源自 后期拉丁语 5. from Latin f&9{¿nus}  f&9{¿}ner- [death rites] 源自 拉丁语 f&9{¿nus}  f&9{¿}ner- [殡仪]




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