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单词 gallium
释义 gallium['gæliəm]n. 镓【化】 镓【医】 镓(31号元素) gallium  AHD:  [g²l“¶-…m] D.J.  [6g#li8*m]K.K.  [6g#li*m]n.Symbol Ga (名词)符号 Ga A rare metallic element that is liquid near room temperature, expands on solidifying, and is found as a trace element in coal, bauxite, and other minerals. It is used in semiconductor technology and as a component of various low-melting alloys. Atomic number 31; atomic weight 69.72; melting point 29.78&9{=}C; boiling point 2,403&9{=}C; specific gravity 5.907; valence 2, 3.See table at element 镐:一种在室温下是液体的稀有金属元素膨胀成固化,通常作为煤、铝土岩和其它矿中的微量元素而存在。用于半导体技术和各种低融合金的合成。原子序数31;原子量69.72;熔点27.98摄氏度;沸点2,403摄氏度;比重5.907;化合价2,3参见 element语源:1. From Latin gallus [cock] 源自 拉丁语 gallus [公鸡] 2. translation of surname of Paul Émile Lecoq  de Boisbaudran (1838-1912), French chemist 译自保罗·艾米利 勒科克 德·鲍斯鲍端(1838-1912年)的姓,法国化学家 3. le [the] le [这] 4. coq [rooster] coq [雄鸡]




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