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单词 acacia
释义 acacia[ə'keiʃə]n. 洋槐, 刺槐, 阿拉伯树胶【化】 阿拉伯胶; 金合欢胶【医】 阿拉伯胶, 金合欢胶 acacia  AHD:  […-k³“sh…] D.J.  [*6ke!.*]K.K.  [*6ke.*]n.(名词)1. Any of various often spiny trees or shrubs of the genusAcacia  in the pea family, having alternate, bipinnately compound leaves or leaves represented by flattened leafstalks and heads or spikes of small flowers. 金合欢属树:一种豆科金合欢属 通常为多刺的树木或灌木,有复生的羽状复叶,或者由扁平的叶柄以及小花构成的头状花序或穗状花序所代替的叶子 2. Any of several other leguminous plants, such as the rose acacia.刺槐,毛洋槐:豆科植物的一种,如毛洋槐3. See  gum arabic 参见  gum arabic语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Latin 源自 拉丁语 3. from Greek akakia 源自 希腊语 akakia




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