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单词 gaze
释义 gaze[geiz]n. 注视, 凝视vi. 注视, 凝视相关词组:gaze after sb gaze  gaze  AHD:  [g³z] D.J.  [ge!z]K.K.  [gez]v.intr.(不及物动词)  gazed,, To look steadily, intently, and with fixed attention.凝视,注视:长久地、集中地看,集中注意力地看n.(名词)A steady, fixed look.凝视,注视:长久,固定地看语源:1. Middle English gasen 中古英语 gasen 2. [probably of Scandinavian origin] [可能源于斯堪的纳维亚语] 继承用法:gaz“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. gaze,stare,gape,glare,peer,ogle2. These verbs mean to look long and intently.这些词的意思是长久而又注意地看着。3. Gaze  refers to prolonged looking that is often indicative of wonder, fascination, awe, or admiration: Gaze  通常指长时间充满迷恋、惊奇、敬畏或尊敬地看: staring into the distance.心不在焉地盯着远方。4. Gape  suggests a prolonged open-mouthed look reflecting amazement, awe, or lack of intelligence: Gape  暗示一种长久的、张大嘴的表情,显示惊奇、敬畏或呆笨: construction workers on their lunch hour ogling passing women. 建筑工人在午饭时色迷迷地盯着经过的妇女




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