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单词 gel-
释义 gel-  派生:1. Important derivatives are: chill,cold,cool,jelly,glacier重要派生词为: chill,cold,cool,jelly,glacier2. Cold; to freeze.寒冷的; 使结冰.3. chill , from Old English  c(i)ele , chill, from Germanic  *kaliz , coldness. chill , 源自 古英语  c(i)ele , 寒冷的, 源自 日耳曼语  *kaliz , 寒冷. 4. cold , from Old English  ceald , cold, from Germanic  *kaldaz , cold. cold , 源自 古英语  ceald , 冰凉的, 源自 日耳曼语  *kaldaz , 冰凉的. 5. cool , from Old English  c½l , cold, cool; cool , 源自 古英语  c½l , 寒冷的, 凉爽的; 6. keel 3 , from Old English  c¶lan , to cool, from Germanic  *k½ljan , to cool. Both a  and b  from Germanic  *k½l- , cool. keel 3 , 源自 古英语  c¶lan , 使变冷, 源自 日耳曼语  *k½ljan , 冷却. a  和 b  都源自 日耳曼语  *k½l- , 清凉的. 7. Suffixed form*gel-³- . gelatin , gelation , jelly ; congeal , from Latin  gel³re , to freeze. 添加后缀的形式*gel-³- . gelatin , gelation , jelly ; congeal , 源自 拉丁语  gel³re , 使冻住. 8. Suffixed form*gel-u- . gelid , from Latin  gel&9{¿} , frost, cold. 添加后缀的形式*gel-u- . gelid , 源自 拉丁语  gel&9{¿} , 冰冻, 寒冷. 9. Probably suffixed zero-grade form*g§-k- . ( glac* ), glacial , glaciate , glacier , glacis , from Latin  glaci¶s , ice. 可能为添加后缀的零级形式*g§-k- . ( glac* ), glacial , glaciate , glacier , glacis , 源自 拉丁语  glaci¶s , ice. 语源:Pokorny 3.gel(…)-  365. 波科尔尼3.gel(…)-  365.  gel  gel  AHD:  [jµl] D.J.  [d9el]K.K.  [d9Wl]n.(名词)1. A colloid in which the disperse phase has combined with the dispersion medium to produce a semisolid material, such as a jelly.凝胶,胶冻:一种胶体,其间分散物质与分散媒介相混合,以制造一种半固体状物质,例如果冻2. A gelatin used in theatrical lighting.剧院照明用的彩色透明滤光板3. A jellylike substance used in styling hair.发胶:固定发型时使用的胶状物质v.intr.(不及物动词)  gelled,gel.ling,gels To become a gel.凝为胶体语源:Short for gelatin gelatin的简写继承用法:gel“able  adj.(形容词)




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