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单词 Germany
释义 Germany['dʒə:məni]n. 德国 Germany  AHD:  [jûr“m…-n¶] 缩写 Ger.D.J.  [6d9T8m*ni8]K.K.  [6d9Pm*ni]NONE(无词性)A country of north-central Europe bordered on the north by the Baltic and North seas. Occupied since c. 500b.c.  by Germanic tribes, it was part of the kingdom of the Franks by the time of Charlemagne and later became a loose federation of principalities and the nucleus of the Holy Roman Empire after the coronation of Otto I in 962. Religious strife and dynastic feuds weakened the imperial state, which was broken up by Napoleon in 1806. After 1815 Germany became a confederation, then an empire centered around Prussia (1871-1918). The Weimar Republic, proclaimed after Germany's defeat in World War I, collapsed under the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler's megalomaniac dream of a Third Reich led to World War II and to yet another defeat by Allied forces. From 1949 to 1990 the territory was divided between West Germany  and East Germany.  Berlin is the capital and largest city and Bonn the seat of government. Population, 77,750,743. 德国:欧洲中北部国家,北面濒临波罗的海和北海。从公元前 500年被日耳曼部落占领,到查理大帝时期一直是法兰克王国的一部分,后来成为公国中一个松散的联邦,在962年奥托一世加冕后成为圣罗马帝国的核心。宗教斗争和王朝纷争削弱了帝国并于1806年被拿破仑结束。1815年以后德国成为联盟国家,而后是以普鲁士为中心的帝国(1871-1918年)。魏玛共和国成立于第一次世界大战德国战败后,在阿道夫·希特勒和纳粹兴起中瓦解了。希特勒狂妄的第三帝国梦导致了第二次世界大战的爆发及该国被盟军的再次击败。从1949至1990年该地区被分为 西德 和 东德。 柏林是首都及最大城市,波恩是政府所在地。人口77,750,743




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