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单词 gill slit
释义 gill slit【医】 腮裂 gill slit  gill slit  AHD:  [g¹l] D.J.  [g!l]K.K.  [g!l]n.(名词)1. One of several narrow external openings connecting with the pharynx, characteristic of sharks and related fishes, through which water passes to the exterior, thereby bathing the gills.Also called  branchial cleft ,gill cleft 鳃孔,鳃裂:和咽相连的细长的外部开口,具有鲨鱼的特点并且跟鱼类有关,通过它水可流出外面,从而浸泡鱼鳃也作  branchial cleft,gill cleft2. Embryology One of several rudimentary invaginations in the surface of the embryo, present during development of all air-breathing vertebrates and corresponding to the functional gill slits of aquatic species.Also called  branchial groove 【胚胎学】 鳃裂:胚胎表面发育不完全的凹入部分,它出现在呼吸空气的脊椎动物和水生生物的功能性鳃裂相符合的发展过程中也作  branchial groove




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