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单词 gizzard
释义 gizzard['gizəd]n. (鸟的)砂囊, 胃【医】 砂囊 gizzard  giz.zard  AHD:  [g¹z“…rd] D.J.  [6g!z*d]K.K.  [6g!z*d]n.(名词)1. A modified muscular pouch immediately behind the stomach in the alimentary canal of birds, having a thick lining and often containing ingested grit, which aids in the mechanical breakdown of seeds before digestion.砂囊,胗:紧靠在鸟类食道的胃部后面的变化的肌肉小袋,有厚的衬层并含有摄取的砂粒,有助于在消化之前磨碎种子2. A similar digestive organ found in certain invertebrates, such as the earthworm.砂囊,胃,内脏:在一些的无脊椎动物身上有类似的消化器官,如蚯蚓语源:1. Alteration of Middle English giser 中古英语 giser的变化 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Vulgar Latin *gic¶rium 源自 俗拉丁语 *gic¶rium 4. from Latin gig¶ria [cooked entrails of poultry] 源自 拉丁语 gig¶ria [煮熟了的家禽的内脏] 5. probably from Persian jigar [liver] * see  y&9{~}k w&9{—} 可能源自 波斯语 jigar [肝脏] *参见 y&9{~}k w&9{—}




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