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单词 glum
释义 glum[glʌm]a. 愁闷的, 阴沉的 glum  glum  AHD:  [gl¾m] D.J.  [glJm]K.K.  [glJm]adj.(形容词)  glum.mer,glum.mest 1. Moody and melancholy; dejected.闷闷不乐的:愁眉不展的,悲伤的;沮丧的2. Gloomy; dismal.忧郁的;郁闷的n.(名词)1. The quality or state of being moody, melancholy, and gloomy or an instance of it:闷闷不乐,忧郁:愁眉不展、悲伤、忧郁的状态或性质或这种事例:“He was a charming mixture of glum and glee”(&b{Lillian Hellman})“他是一个很有魅力的人,时而忧伤时而欢笑”(莉莲·赫尔曼)2. glums Chiefly British The blues. Often used withthe : glums 【多用于英国】 忧伤。常与the 连用: “Most other publications have got the glums”(&b{Tina Brown})“其他大多数出版物也感染上忧伤的色彩”(蒂娜·布朗)语源:; akin to  Probably akin to Middle English gloumen [to become dark] * see  gloom ;类似于  可能类似于 中古英语 gloumen [变黑,阴郁] *参见 gloom继承用法:glum“ly  adv.(副词)glum“ness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. glum,gloomy,morose,dour,saturnine2. These adjectives mean having a broodingly cheerless aspect or disposition.这些形容词都指不高兴的性情。3. Glum   implies silent dejection: Glum  指沉闷的沮丧,低沉: Why so glum? The votes haven't been counted yet.为什么那么气馁?选举结果还没出来呢。4. Gloomy  suggests somber melancholy: Gloomy  指悲观的: She takes a gloomy view of the future.她对将来很悲观的。5. Morose  implies sourness of temper and a tendency to be uncommunicative: Morose  指脾气坏的,乖僻的,不愿交注的: He stared down at his dinner plate in a morose and unsociable manner.他低头盯着餐盘,一副冷淡不友好的样子,6. Dour  especially suggests grimness or humorlessnessand sometimes an obstinate nature: Dour  尤指严肃或毫无幽默感,有时指倔强呆板的性质: “To a Western eye, [they] &I{seem poorly dressed, ill-groomed, dour and preoccupied”}  (Peter Lewis).“在西方人看来, 显得似乎衣着寒碜,不修边幅,桀骜不驯”  (彼得·刘易斯)。7. Saturnine  suggests gloominess or melancholy of temperament and often a tendency to be bitter or sardonic: Saturnine  指性格阴郁,常指冷峻、严厉的意向: the saturnine faces of the judges. 法官们那阴沉的脸色




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