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单词 amiss
释义 amiss[ə'mis]a. 有毛病的, 出差错的ad. 错误地, 不顺当, 有缺陷地相关词组:to come amissto go amissto take sth amissto speak amiss amiss  a.miss  AHD:  […-m¹s“] D.J.  [*6m!s]K.K.  [*6m!s]adj.(形容词)1. Out of proper order:无序的,出差错的:What is amiss?出了什么毛病?2. Not in perfect shape; faulty.不完美的;有缺陷的adv.(副词)In an improper, defective, unfortunate, or mistaken way.错误地,不正确地:反常地、有缺陷地、不幸地或错误地语源:1. Middle English amis 中古英语 amis 2. probably from Old Norse ³ mis [so as to miss] 可能源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 ³ mis [以便错过] 3. ³ [on] * see  an- ³ [关于] *参见 an- 4. mis [act of missing] * see  mei- 1mis [出错的行为] *参见 mei- 1参考词汇:1. amiss,afield,astray,awry,wrong2. The central meaning shared by these adverbs is “not in the right way or on the proper course”: 这些副词共有的中心意思是“不正确地或不恰当地”: plans that went wrong. &b{aright} 计划出了错误 aright




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