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单词 gossip
释义 gossip['gɒsip]n. 闲聊, 随笔, 流言, 爱讲闲话的人vi. 说闲话, 闲聊相关词组:have a gossip with gossip  gos.sip  AHD:  [g¼s“…p] D.J.  [6gKs*p]K.K.  [6g$s*p]n.(名词)1. Rumor or talk of a personal, sensational, or intimate nature.流言蜚语:有关个人的,耸人听闻的或暧昧关系的谣言或言语2. A person who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or facts.爱讲闲话的人,三姑六婆:经常传播他人暧昧关系或隐私的谣言或事实的人3. Trivial, chatty talk or writing.谈话,闲话或闲文4. A close friend or companion.密友或关系亲密的伙伴5. Chiefly British A godparent.【多用于英国】 教父(母)v.intr.(不及物动词)  gos.siped,,gos.sips To engage in or spread gossip.传播或散布流言蜚语语源:1. Middle English godsib, gossip [godparent] 中古英语 godsib, gossip [教父(母)] 2. from Old English godsibb 源自 古英语 godsibb 3. god [god] * see  god god [神] *参见 god4. sibb [kinsman] * see  s(w)e- sibb [男亲属] *参见 s(w)e- 继承用法:gos“siper  n.(名词)gos“sipry  n.(名词)gos“sipy  adj.(形容词)参考词汇:1. gossip,blab,tattle2. The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to engage in or communicate idle, indiscreet talk”: 这三个动词都意为“参加或交流无聊的,不得体的话题”: is disliked by her classmates for tattling on mischief makers. 因为她经常打恶作剧的小报告,所以同学都不喜欢她




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