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单词 gouge
释义 gouge[gaudʒ]n. 圆凿, 用圆凿凿成的槽, 挖, 掘vt. 用圆凿削, 挖出, 欺骗【医】 圆凿相关词组:gouge sth out gouge  gouge  AHD:  [gouj] D.J.  [ga&d9]K.K.  [ga&d9]n.(名词)1. A chisel with a rounded, troughlike blade.半圆凿:带有凹凸横截面的圆形的凿子2. A scooping or digging action, as with such a chisel.用凿等进行挖、凿的动作3. A groove or hole scooped with or as if with such a chisel.凿孔;凿槽:用凿挖出的或象是用这种凿子挖出的槽沟或空穴4. Informal A large amount, as of money, exacted or extorted.【非正式用语】 欺诈:榨取或勒索的大量的金钱及物动词)  gouged,, 1. To cut or scoop out with or as if with a gouge:挖凿:用凿子等挖、凿或象是用凿子等挖,凿:“He began to gouge a small pattern in the sand with his cane”(&b{Vladimir Nabokov})“他在沙地上用棒挖出小花纹。”(弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫)2. To force out the eye of (a person) with one's thumb.用拇指挖出(某人)的眼睛3. To thrust one's thumb into the eye of.用拇指插入…的眼睛4. Informal To extort from.【非正式用语】 敲诈5. Slang To swindle.【俚语】 诈取,骗取语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Late Latin gubia 源自 后期拉丁语 gubia 4. variant of gulbia gulbia的变体 5. [of Celtic origin] [凯尔特语的] 继承用法:goug“er  n.(名词)




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