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单词 Gould
释义 Gould 1  Gould  AHD:  [g›ld] Chester (1900-1985) D.J.  [gu8ld]K.K.  [guld]NONE(无词性)American cartoonist who created theDick Tracy  comic strip (1931). 古尔德,切斯特:(1900-1985) 美国连环画漫画家,1931年创作了名为《迪克·特蕾西》 喜剧连环漫画  Gould 2  Gould&B{Glenn} (&b{1932-1982})  NONE(无词性)Canadian pianist noted for his performances and recordings of the works of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms.古尔德,格伦:(1932-1982) 加拿大钢琴家,因对巴赫、贝多芬和勃拉姆斯作品的演奏和录音而扬名 Gould 3  Gould&B{Jay} (&b{1836-1892})  NONE(无词性)American financier and speculator who with James Fisk and Daniel Drew wrested control of the Erie Railroad from Cornelius Vanderbilt (1867-1868). With Fisk, he caused the financial panic of September 24, 1869, with an attempt to corner the gold market.古尔德,杰:(1836-1892) 美国金融家和投机者,1867-1868年他与詹姆士·菲斯克和丹尼尔·德鲁经过奋斗从科尼利厄斯·范德比尔特手里夺取了伊利铁路公司。他与菲斯克企图垄断黄金市场,从而造成1869年9月24日的金融恐慌




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