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单词 government
释义 government['gʌvənmənt]n. 政府, 内阁【经】 政府, 政治, 政体 government  gov.ern.ment  AHD:  [g¾v“…rn-m…nt] D.J.  [6gJv*nm*nt]K.K.  [6gJv*nm*nt]n.Abbr. gov.,govt.(名词)缩写 gov.,govt.1. The act or process of governing, especially the control and administration of public policy in a political unit.管辖:统治的行为、支配的过程,特指政体对公众政策的控制和管理2. The office, function, or authority of one who governs or of a governing行使统治或管理职能的机关、职能部门或当局3. Exercise of authority in a political unit; rule.管理,统治:在一个政治单位里权力的行使;统治4. The agency or apparatus through which an individual or a body that governs exercises authority and performs its functions.政体:个人或团体行使权力和职能的机构或机关5. A governing body or organization, as:统治组织或机构,如:6. The ruling political party or coalition of political parties in a parliamentary system.执政党:国会里的执政党或联合执政党7. The cabinet in a parliamentary system.内阁:议会制度下的内阁8. The persons who make up a governing body.行使统治职能的人9. A system or policy by which a political unit is governed.政府组织的制度形式10. Management or administration of an organization, a business, or an institution.管理,行政:一个组织、公司或学院的管理11. Political science.政治学继承用法:gov”ernment“al  AHD:  [-mµn“tl] (形容词)gov”ernment“ally  adv.(副词)用法:In American usagegovernment always takes a singular verb. In British usagegovernment,  in the sense of a governing group of officials, is usually construed as a plural collectiveand therefore takes a plural verb: 在美国用法中,government 总是跟单数动词。 在英国用法里,当government 作统治团体解释时, 通常被定义成集合名词的复数,因此后面跟复数动词: The government are determined to follow this course. See Usage Note at &b{collective noun} 政府决定不改变政策 参见 collective noun




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