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单词 grail
释义 grailn. 长期以来梦寐以求的东西 grail  grail  AHD:  [gr³l] D.J.  [gre!l]K.K.  [grel]n.(名词)1. Grail A cup or plate that, according to medieval legend, was used by Jesus at the Last Supper and that later became the object of many chivalrous quests.Also called  Holy Grail Grail 圣杯,圣盘:据中世纪传说为基督在最后的晚餐上用过的那个杯或盘子, 后来成为许多骑士追求的目标也作  Holy Grail2. Often Grail The object of a prolonged endeavor.常作 Grail 长期努力的目标语源:1. Middle English greal 中古英语 greal 2. from Old French graal 源自 古法语 graal 3. from Medieval Latin grad³lis [flat dish] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 grad³lis [扁平盘子]




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