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单词 grain
释义 grain[grein]n. 谷粒, 颗粒, 谷类, 纹理, 本质vt. (使)成谷粒vi. (使)成谷粒【化】 晶粒【医】 谷粒, [颗]粒, 喱, 格令, 谷【经】 谷物 grain  grain  AHD:  [gr³n] D.J.  [gre!n]K.K.  [gren]n.Abbr. gr.(名词)缩写 gr.1. A small, dry, one-seeded fruit of a cereal grass, having the fruit and the seed walls united.Also called  caryopsis 谷粒:谷草的小且干燥的单种子果实,果实与种壁连在一起也作  caryopsis2. The fruits of cereal grasses especially after having been harvested, considered as a group.谷物:谷草果实的总称,尤指已收割后的3. Cereal grasses considered as a group:谷草的总称:a field of grain.种植谷物的田地4. A relatively small discrete particulate or crystalline mass:颗粒,细粒:相对微小的,分离的颗粒或晶体物质:a grain of sand.一粒沙子5. A small amount or the smallest amount possible:微量:一点儿,少许或最小的可能的量:hasn't a grain of sense.没有一点意义6. Aerospace A mass of solid propellant.【太空学】 块状燃料:一块固体推进剂7. A unit of weight in the U.S. Customary System, an avoirdupois unit equal to 0.002285 ounce (0.065 gram).See table at measurement 格令:美国惯用体系的重量单位,一常衡单位等于0.002285盎斯(0.065克)参见 measurement8. The arrangement, direction, or pattern of the fibrous tissue in wood.纹理:木头的纤维组织的排列、方向或图案9. The side of a hide or piece of leather from which the hair or fur has been removed.粗糙面:皮革的除去毛发的一面10. The pattern or markings on this side of leather.带这种面式样或标记的皮革11. The pattern produced, as in stone, by the arrangement of particulate constituents.纹理:由微小成份的排列所产生的图案,如石头中的12. The relative size of the particles composing a substance or pattern:微粒的大小:构成物质或图案的微粒的相对尺寸:a coarse grain.粗糙的微粒13. A painted, stamped, or printed design that imitates the pattern found in wood, leather, or stone.纹理图案:模拟木头,皮革或石头的纹理所画出的,压模的或印刷出来的图案14. The direction or texture of fibers in a woven fabric.织理:纺织品中线的走向或组织15. A state of fine crystallization.完美结晶的状态16. Basic temperament or nature; disposition.气质,性情:基本的脾性或天性;气质17. An essential quality or characteristic.本质:本质或本质特征18. Archaic Color; tint.【古语】 染料;颜色v.(动词)  grained,,grains及物动词)1. To cause to form into grains; granulate.使…成粒状:使…成为颗粒;使…成为粒状2. To paint, stamp, or print with a design imitating the grain of wood, leather, or stone.漆成木纹状:绘画,压模或印刷一个图案来模拟石头,皮革或石头的纹理3. To give a granular or rough texture to.给…以粒状或粗糙的结构4. To remove the hair or fur from (hides) in preparation for tanning.去掉(皮的)毛发以准备鞣制v.intr.(不及物动词)To form grains.形成颗粒习惯用语:with a grain of salt  With reservations; skeptically:半信半疑地:有保留地;怀疑地:Take that advice with a grain of salt.半信半疑地接受建议语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French graine 源自 古法语 graine 3. from Latin gr³num * see  g&9{—}…-no- 源自 拉丁语 gr³num *参见 g&9{—}…-no- 继承用法:grain“er  n.(名词)




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