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单词 grief
释义 grief[gri:f]n. 伤心, 忧愁, 悲痛, 不幸, 灾难相关词组:bring sb to griefcome to grief grief  grief  AHD:  [gr¶f] D.J.  [gri8f]K.K.  [grif]n.(名词)1. Deep mental anguish, as that arising from bereavement.See Synonyms at regret 悲伤,悲痛:由于失去而导致的精神上的极度痛苦参见 regret2. A source of deep mental anguish.悲痛的缘由:精神极度痛苦的根源3. Annoyance or frustration:麻烦或挫折:Trying to follow their directions was nothing but grief.试图按他们的指导去做只会一团糟4. Trouble or difficulty:困扰或困难:the griefs of trying to meet a deadline.试图赶在最后期限之前的困难5. Archaic A grievance.【古语】 委屈,不平:委屈,不平语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from grever [to harm, aggrieve] * see  grieve 源自 grever [伤害,使悲痛] *参见 grieve




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