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单词 gross
释义 gross[grəus]n. 总数, 总量a. 总共的, 未打折扣的, 恶劣的, 粗野的vt. 总共收入【化】 过失误差【经】 毛数, 总额, 罗 gross  gross  AHD:  [gr½s] D.J.  [gr*&s]K.K.  [gros]adj.(形容词),gross.est 1. Exclusive of deductions; total:总的:不从中扣除的;总的:gross profits.See Synonyms at &b{whole} 毛利参见 whole2. Unmitigated in any way; utter:十足的:在各方面都很完全的;纯粹的:gross imcompetence.十足的无能3. Glaringly obvious; flagrant:公然的:十分明显的;罪恶昭著的:gross injustice.See Synonyms at &b{flagrant} 公然的非正义行为参见 flagrant4. Brutishly coarse, as in behavior; crude.粗俗的,下流的:举止粗俗不堪的;粗卑的5. Offensive; disgusting.See Synonyms at coarse 粗俗的;令人不快的参见 coarse6. Lacking sensitivity or discernment; unrefined.缺乏敏感或洞察力的;不高尚的,粗俗的,不雅的7. Carnal; sensual.肉体的;肉感的8. Overweight; corpulent.臃肿的;肥胖的9. Dense; profuse.浓密的;茂盛的10. Broad; general:大致的;总括的:the gross outlines of a plan.一项计划的大概的要点n.(名词)1. pl. The entire body or amount, as of income, before necessary deductions have been made.【复数】 总量,总额:在必要的扣除之前的总额或总量,如在收入方面的总额2. pl. gross Abbr. gr.,gro.A group of 144 items; 12 dozen.【复数】 gross 缩写 gr.,gro.罗:计数单位,等于144个;12打及物动词)  grossed,, To earn as a total income or profit before deductions.赚得…总收入:在做必要扣除前赚得的总收入或总收益常用词组:gross out 【俚语】  To fill with disgust; nauseate:使厌恶:令人充满厌恶,使恶心:“The trick in making a family film . . . is finding ways to interest grown-ups without boring, confusing, or grossing out the younger set”(&b{Christian Science Monitor})“拍家庭戏时正试图运用一些技巧。既能引起成年人的兴趣,又不使年轻人感到厌倦,迷惑或是恶心”(基督教科学箴言报)语源:1. Middle English [large] 中古英语 [大的] 2. from Old French gros 源自 古法语 gros 3. from Late Latin grossus [thick] 源自 后期拉丁语 grossus [厚的] 4. N., sense 2 名词释义2 5. from Middle English grosse 源自 中古英语 grosse 6. from Old French grosse (douzain) [large (dozen)] [feminine of] gros 源自 古法语 grosse (douzain) [大的(一打)]  [] gros的阴性词 继承用法:gross“er  n.(名词)gross“ly  adv.(副词)gross“ness  n.(名词) Gross  Gross  AHD:  [gr½s] Samuel David (1805-1884) D.J.  [gr*&s]K.K.  [gros]NONE(无词性)American surgeon and educator who wrote widely influential medical treatises, such asA System of Surgery  (1859). 格罗斯,塞缪尔·戴维:(1805-1884) 美国外科医生、教育家。他制定了许多影响深远的医学条例,如《外科学系统》 (1859年)




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