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单词 Hapsburg
释义 Hapsburg 1  Hapsburg 也作 Habs.burg  AHD:  [h²ps“bûrg”, häps“b‹rk”] D.J.  [6h#ps7bT8g, 6h$8ps7b&*k]K.K.  [6h#ps7bPg, 6h$ps7b&rk]NONE(无词性)A royal German family that supplied rulers to a number of European states from the late Middle Ages until the 20th century. The Hapsburgs reached the height of their power under Charles V of Spain. When Charles abdicated (1558), the empire was divided between the Spanish and Austrian lines. The Spanish branch ceased to rule after 1700 and the Austrian branch after 1918.哈普斯堡皇室:一个德意志皇室家族,其成员曾于中世纪后期到20世纪这一段时期内分别在欧洲各国任统治者,在西班牙国王查理五世统治期间达到其鼎盛时期。查理于1558年退位之后,帝国被西班牙和奥地利瓜分,西班牙的统治结束于1700年,而奥地利于1918年以后停止了统治 Hapsburg 2  Hapsburg also Habs.burg  AHD:  [h²ps“bûrg”, h\\adie/ps“b‹rk”] D.J.  [6h#ps7bT8g, 6h$8ps7b&*k]K.K.  [6h#ps7bPrg, 6h$ps7b&rk]NONE(无词性)A royal German family that supplied rulers to a number of European states from the late Middle Ages until the 20th century. The Hapsburgs reached the height of their power under Charles V of Spain. When Charles abdicated (1558), the empire was divided between the Spanish and Austrian lines. The Spanish branch ceased to rule after 1700 and the Austrian branch after 1918.哈布斯堡家族:一个自中世纪中期至二十世纪为欧洲国家提供领导者的德国皇室家族,哈布斯堡家族在西班牙的查理五世之下其权力达到鼎盛,当查理退位时(1558年),帝国分裂为西班牙及奥地利两系,西班牙分支于1700年终止其统治,然而奥地利分支则于1918年之后方终止其统治




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