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单词 amphibole
释义 amphibole['æmfibəul]n. 闪石【化】 角闪石 amphibole  am.phi.bole  AHD:  [²m“f…-b½l”] D.J.  [6#mf*7b*&l]K.K.  [6#mf*7bol]n.(名词)Any of a large group of structurally similar hydrated double silicate minerals, such as hornblende, containing various combinations of sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and aluminum.角闪石:一大类结构相似的水合双硅酸盐矿石,如角闪石,包含各种钠、钙、镁、铁和铝的组合语源:1. French 法语 2. from Late Latin amphibolus [ambiguous] 源自 后期拉丁语 amphibolus [模棱两可的] 3. from Greek amphibolos [doubtful] 源自 希腊语 amphibolos [可疑的] 4. from amphiballein [to throw on either side] 源自 amphiballein [扔到一边] 5. amphi- [amphi-] amphi- [前缀amphi-] 6. ballein [to throw] * see  g wel…- ballein [扔] *参见 g wel…- 继承用法:am”phibol“ic  AHD:  [-b¼l“¹k] (形容词)




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