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单词 haricot
释义 haricot['hærikəu]n. 蔬菜炖羊肉, 菜豆 haricot 1  haricot 1  AHD:  [h²r“¹-k½”] D.J.  [6h#r!7k*&]K.K.  [6h#r!7ko]n.(名词)The edible pod or seed of any of several beans, especially the kidney bean.扁豆:尤指菜豆等可食性豆荚或子语源:1. French 法语 2. possibly alteration  influenced by French haricot [stew] * see  haricot 2可能为  受 法语 haricot的影响 [炖,煨] *参见 haricot23. of Nahuatl ayacotli 那瓦特语 ayacotli的变化  haricot 2  haricot 2  AHD:  [h²r“¹-k½”] D.J.  [6h#r!7k*&]K.K.  [6h#r!7ko]n.(名词)A highly seasoned mutton or lamb stew with vegetables.浓味羊肉或羔羊肉炖蔬菜语源:1. French 法语 2. from Old French hericot, hericoq 源自 古法语 hericot, hericoq 3. possibly from harigoter [to cut into pieces] 可能源自 harigoter [切碎] 4. [probably of Germanic origin] [可能源于日耳曼语]




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