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单词 have
释义 have[hæv]vt. 有, 怀有, 拿, 进行aux. 已经相关词组:have it out with sbhave onhave only sb downhave sb inhave sb uphave sth backhave sth inhave sth outhave sth about sbhave a good timehave athave done with...have had ithave it all over sbhave it in for sbHave you ever been to...have it on sb have  have  AHD:  [h²v] D.J.  [h#v]K.K.  [h#v]v.(动词)  had[h²d],has[h²z]及物动词)1. To be in possession of:拥有:already had a car.已经有一辆车2. To possess as a characteristic, quality, or function:气质:有…的特征、性质或功能:has a beard; had a great deal of energy.蓄着胡子;精力充沛3. To possess or contain as a constituent part:包含:作为某物的组成部分而含有或包含:a car that has an automatic transmission.有自动传动系统的汽车4. To occupy a particular relation to:有特殊关系:had a great many disciples.有很多信徒5. To possess knowledge of or facility in:具有某方面的知识或才能:has very little Spanish.懂很少一点西班牙语6. To hold in the mind; entertain:保持在脑中;怀抱:had doubts about their loyalty.对他们的忠诚怀有疑虑7. To use or exhibit in action:发挥:通过行动来运用或显示:have compassion.发挥同情心8. To come into possession of; acquire:占有;获得:Not one copy of the book was to be had in the entire town.整个城镇都没有这本书9. To receive; get:收到;得到:I had a letter from my cousin.我收到堂弟寄来的信10. To accept; take:接受;收纳:I'll have the green peas instead of the spinach.我想要份青豆而不是菠菜11. To suffer from:经受,遭受:have defective vision.视力不好12. To be subject to the experience of:经历,经验:had a difficult time last winter.去年冬天日子不好过13. To cause to, as by persuasion or compulsion:促使:通过劝说或强迫导致…:had my assistant run the errand.让我的助手跑腿14. To cause to be:使…成为:had everyone fascinated.把每个人都吸引住了15. To permit; allow:允许;许可:I won't have that kind of behavior in my house.在我家中我可不允许做那种事16. To carry on, perform, or execute:执行,做,实行:have an argument.进行争吵17. To place at a disadvantage:把…置于不利状态:Your opponent in the debate had you on every issue.你的对手在争论中使你在每个问题上都处于下风18. Informal To get the better of, especially by trickery or deception:【非正式用语】 利用:尤指通过诡计或欺骗利用:They realized too late that they'd been had by a swindler.他们发现被一个骗子耍了,但为时已晚19. Informal To influence by dishonest means; bribe:【非正式用语】 贿赂:通过不正当手段影响;贿赂:an incorruptible official who could not be had.一位不为贿赂所动的廉洁官员20. To procreate (offspring):繁殖(后代):wanted to have a child.想要一个孩子21. To give birth to; bear:生;生育:She's going to have a baby.她就要生孩子了22. To partake of:吃喝:have lunch.吃中饭23. To be obliged to; must:被迫;必须:We simply have to get there on time.我们不得不准时赶到那里24. To engage in sexual intercourse with.性交:与…产生性关系v.aux.(助动词)Used with a past participle to form the present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses indicating completed action:与过去分词连用构成现在完成时、过去完成时或将来完成时以表示结束的行为:The troublemaker has gone for good. I regretted that I had lost my temper. They will have finished by the time we arrive.那捣蛋鬼已走上了正路。我对我曾大发脾气感到后悔。他们会在我们到那里的时候完成的n.(名词)One enjoying especially material wealth:富人:尤指享受物质财富的人:“Almost overnight, there was a new and widespread hostility on the part of the haves toward the have-nots”(&b{Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr.})“几乎是一夜之间,富人们就对穷人们滋生出一种新的和的仇恨”(小托马斯P.奥涅尔)常用词组:have at  To attack.攻击have on  1. To wear:穿戴:had on red shoes.穿红色鞋子2. To be scheduled:策划:被安排在计划之内:We have a dinner party on for tomorrow evening.明天晚上我们打算参加晚宴习惯用语:have done with  To stop; cease:停止;结束:Have done with your foolish quibbling结束你那愚蠢的诡辩have had it【非正式用语】  1. To have endured all that one can:忍无可忍:尽一个人最大的努力忍受:I've had it with their delays.对他们的拖拉我已忍到头了2. To be in a state beyond remedy, repair, or salvage:无法恢复:处于一种无法治疗、修补或拯救的状态:That coat has had it.那件上衣已经破烂不堪了3. To have done everything that is possible or that will be permitted.已做完可能做的或被允许的一切事情have it in for (someone)  To intend to harm, especially because of a grudge.尤指由于嫉恨而想伤害have it out  To settle decisively, especially by means of an argument or a discussion.尤指通过争辩或讨论的手段最终解决have (something) coming  To deserve what one receives:得到某人应得之物:You had that reprimand coming for a very long time.你早该挨骂了have to do with  To be concerned or associated with.与…有联系或关联语源:1. Middle English haven 中古英语 haven 2. from Old English habban * see  kap- 源自 古英语 habban *参见 kap-




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