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单词 Hawaiian Islands
释义 Hawaiian Islands  Hawaiian Islands Formerly &b{Sand.wich Islands}  AHD:  [s²nd“w¹ch, s²n“-] 缩写 H.I.D.J.  [6s#ndw!t., 6s#n-]K.K.  [6s#ndw!t., 6s#n-]NONE(无词性)A group of volcanic and coral islands in the central Pacific Ocean coextensive with the state of Hawaii. There are eight major islands and more than a hundred minor ones. The islands were settled by Polynesians in the sixth centurya.d.  and visited by Capt. James Cook in 1778. They were ruled by native monarchs from 1795 until 1893, when Queen Liliuokalani was deposed. A republic was proclaimed the following year, but petitions for annexation by the United States were finally approved in 1898. 夏威夷群岛,桑威奇岛:位于太平洋中部的一群火山岛和珊瑚岛,范围等同于夏威夷州,由八个主要岛屿和一百多个小岛组成。公元 6世纪该群岛上居住着波利尼西亚人,1778年詹姆士·库克船长到过此岛,从1795年到1893年由土著君主统治,在莉留卡拉尼女王被废黜的第二年宣布成立共和国,但请求并入美国的要求在1898年才得以批准




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