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单词 Hawking radiation
释义 Hawking radiation  Hawking radiation  n.(名词)A form of radiation believed to emanate from black holes, arising from the creation of pairs of subatomic particles in the space adjacent to the black hole, with one particle falling into the black hole and the other radiating away. The energy lost to such radiated particles is believed to cause the eventual disappearance of the black hole.猎鹰辐射能:某种形式的辐射能,被认为是散发自黑洞,在与黑洞连结的太空中所创造的一对对次原子粒子所产生,成对粒子之一落入黑洞中,另一粒子则发出辐射能,此类带有辐射能原子丧失其能量被认为造成黑洞最终的消失毁灭语源:After Hawking  Stephen William After Hawking  Stephen William




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