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单词 heathen
释义 heathen['hi:ðən]n. 异教徒, 异族人, 粗野的人a. 异教的, 野蛮的 heathen  hea.then  AHD:  [h¶“Y…n] D.J.  [6hi8H*n]K.K.  [6hiH*n]n.(名词)  【复数】 hea.thens 或 heathen  1. One who adheres to the religion of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.异教徒:一个国家或民族中不信犹太教、基督教或伊斯兰教的人2. Such persons considered as a group; the unconverted.这样的一群人;未改变信仰的人3. One who is regarded as irreligious, uncivilized, or unenlightened.被认为是不信教、不开化或未受启蒙的人4. Such persons considered as a group.这样的一群人语源:1. Middle English hethen 中古英语 hethen 2. from Old English h&9{Æthen} * see  kaito- 源自 古英语 h&9{Æthen} *参见 kaito- 继承用法:hea“then  adj.(形容词)hea“thendom  或  n.(名词)hea“thenism  或  hea“thenry  




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