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单词 heaven
释义 heaven['hevn]n. 天堂, 上帝, 天空相关词组:move heaven and earthunder heavengo to heavenHeaven forbidHeaven knowsin heaven heaven  heav.en  AHD:  [hµv“…n] D.J.  [6hev*n]K.K.  [6hWv*n]n.(名词)1. Often heavens The sky or universe as seen from Earth; the firmament.常作 heavens 天,天空:从地球上所见之天空或宇宙;苍穹2. Often Heaven The abode of God, the angels, and the souls of those who are granted salvation.常作 Heaven 天国,天堂:上帝,天使及那些得到拯救的灵魂的居所3. An eternal state of communion with God; everlasting bliss.极乐:与上帝意念和谐的永恒状态;永恒的幸福4. Heaven God:Heaven 上帝,上天:Heaven help you!愿上帝帮助你!5. heavens Used in various phrases to express surprise:heavens 嗳呀,天哪:用在各种短语中表示惊讶:Good heavens!天哪!6. Often heavens The celestial powers; the gods:常作 heavens 众天神;众天使:The heavens favored the young prince.众天神都宠爱这位年轻的王子7. A condition or place of great happiness, delight, or pleasure:极乐,极乐之地:极大的快乐、高兴、愉快的状态或地方:The lake was heaven.该湖是个极乐之地习惯用语:move heaven and earth  To do everything possible to bring about something desired.竭尽全力,千方百计:做每一种可能的事以便获得想要的某种东西语源:1. Middle English heven 中古英语 heven 2. from Old English heofon * see  ak- 源自 古英语 heofon *参见 ak-




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