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单词 hedge
释义 hedge[hedʒ]n. 树篱, 障碍, 套头交易vt. 用树篱围, 套期保值, 妨碍, 两面下注以防...的损失vi. 筑树篱, 躲闪, 两面下注以防损失a. 树篱的, 偷偷摸摸的【经】 平衡交易, 套头交易相关词组:hedge sb's path with difficultieshedge one's betshedge offhedge outnot grow on every hedge hedge  hedge  AHD:  [hµj] D.J.  [hed9]K.K.  [hWd9]n.(名词)1. A row of closely planted shrubs or low-growing trees forming a fence or boundary.树篱:由一排密种的灌木或长得低的树形成的一道栅栏或分界线2. A line of people or objects forming a barrier:障碍:由一排人或物体组成的障碍或屏障:a hedge of spectators along the sidewalk.沿着人行道形成了一道观众障碍3. A means of protection or defense, especially against financial loss:保护或防御手段:一种保护或防御手段或方法,尤指防止经济损失:a hedge against inflation.防止通货膨胀的措施4. A securities transaction that reduces the risk on an existing investment position.保值措施,套期保值:一种减少现存投资状态的危险的有价证券交易5. An intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement.暧昧的回答,故意的不信任:故意说得模棱两可的话,不明确的话v.(动词)  hedged,,及物动词)1. To enclose or bound with or as if with hedges.用树篱围住:用树篱或者好象用树篱围绕或围住2. To hem in, hinder, or restrict with or as if with a hedge.围住,包围:用树篱或者好象用树篱包围、设障碍、阻碍3. To minimize or protect against the loss of by counterbalancing one transaction, such as a bet, against another.两面下注,套期保值:两面下注以减少或防止交易(如赌博)的损失v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To plant or cultivate hedges.栽种或培育树篱2. To take compensatory measures so as to counterbalance possible loss.以套期保值避免损失:采取补偿性措施以平衡可能的损失3. To avoid making a clear, direct response or statement.避免直接回答:避免直接了当的回答或发言语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English hecg 源自 古英语 hecg 继承用法:hedg“er  n.(名词)hedg“y  adj.(形容词)




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