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单词 hendiadys
释义 hendiadys  hen.di.a.dys  AHD:  [hµn-dº“…-d¹s] D.J.  [hen6da!*d!s]K.K.  [hWn6da!*d!s]n.(名词)A figure of speech in which two words connected by a conjunction are used to express a single notion that would normally be expressed by an adjective and a substantive, such asgrace and favor  instead of gracious favor.  重言法:用连词连接两个单词以表达通常由一个名词和形容表达的单个意思的修辞法,如用grace and favor 代替 gracious favor  语源:1. Late Latin 后期拉丁语 2. from Greek hen dia duoin [one by means of two] 源自 希腊语 hen dia duoin [用两个的方式表现一个] 3. hen [neuter of] heis [one] * see  sem- 1hen  [] heis的中性 [一个] *参见 sem- 14. dia [through] dia [通过] 5. duoin [genitive of] du½ [two] * see  dwo- duoin  [] du½的所有格 [两个] *参见 dwo-




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