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单词 Henry VI
释义 Henry VI  Henry VI(&b{1421-1471})  NONE(无词性)King of England (1422-1461 and 1470-1471) who as an infant succeeded his father, Henry V, and for most of his reign exercised little power. He was taken prisoner in the Yorkist victory at Northampton (1460), and Edward IV was proclaimed king (1461). Rescued from captivity, Henry regained the throne (1470) but was recaptured at the Battle of Barnet and murdered in the Tower of London.亨利六世:英国国王(1422-1461和1470-1471年)。他在婴儿时继承其父亨利五世的王位,他在位的大部分时间几乎没有掌握王权。在北安普顿战役中他被战胜的约克派俘虏,而约克派的爱德华四世被拥立为王(1461年)。获救后,亨利重新复位(1470年),但在巴尼特战役中再次被俘,后在伦敦塔中被害




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