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单词 Hercules' club
释义 Hercules' club' club  AHD:  [hûr“ky…-l¶z] D.J.  [6hT8kj*li8z]K.K.  [6hPkj*liz]n.(名词)1. A tree or shrub(Aralia spinosa)  of the southeast United States, having prickly, bipinnately compound leaves and large clusters of small white flowers. Also called  angelica tree ,devil's walking stick ,prickly ash 多刺楤木:美国东南的一种树木或灌木(多刺楤木) ,有多刺的二回羽状复叶和成簇的小白花 也作  angelica tree,devil's walking stick,prickly ash2. A spiny shrub or tree(Zanthoxylum clava-herculis)  of the central and southeast United States, having terminal panicles of small greenish-yellow flowers and pinnately compound leaves. Also called  pepperwood ,Southern prickly ash 大力神棒:美国中部和东南部的多刺灌木或树木(大力神棒) 。其末端的复总状花序由小的淡黄绿色花朵组成,有羽状复叶 也作  pepperwood,Southern prickly ash语源:[After the spiny club of Hercules] [因赫拉克勒斯的多刺棍棒而得名]




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