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单词 hieratic
释义 hieratic[haiə'rætik]a. 僧侣的, 僧侣书写体的 hieratic  AHD:  [hº”…-r²t“¹k, hº-r²t“-] D.J.  [7ha!*6r#t!k, ha!6r#t-]K.K.  [7ha!*6r#t!k, ha!6r#t-]adj.(形容词)1. Of or associated with sacred persons or offices; sacerdotal.有关僧侣或教士的任务的;圣职的2. Constituting or relating to a simplified cursive style of Egyptian hieroglyphics, used in both sacred and secular writings.手写草书体的:与古埃及一种草书手写体有关的,这种草书手写体用于宗教或世俗书写中3. Extremely formal or stylized, as in a work of art.神圣风格的,见于艺术作品中语源:1. Latin hier³ticus 拉丁语 hier³ticus 2. from Greek hieratikos 源自 希腊语 hieratikos 3. from hierateia [priesthood] 源自 hierateia [神职人员] 4. from hierasthai [to be a priest] 源自 hierasthai [成为教士] 5. from hiereus [priest] 源自 hiereus [教士] 6. from hieros [holy] * see  eis- 源自 hieros [神圣的] *参见 eis- 继承用法:hi”erat“ically  adv.(副词)




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