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单词 hierophant
释义 hierophant['haiərəfænt]n. 圣师, 倡导者, 圣职者 hierophant  AHD:  [hº“…r-…-f²nt”, hº“r…-, hº-µr“…-f…nt] D.J.  [6ha!*r*7f#nt, 6ha!*r*-, ha!6er*f*nt]K.K.  [6ha!*r*7f#nt, 6ha!r*-, ha!6Wr*f*nt]n.(名词)1. An ancient Greek priest who interpreted sacred mysteries, especially the priest of the Eleusinian mysteries.古希腊祭司:古希腊解译秘密宗教仪式的祭司,特指依洛西斯秘密宗教仪式的祭司2. An interpreter of sacred mysteries or arcane knowledge.圣师:解释宗教神秘含义或传授宗教知识的人3. One who explains or makes a commentary.发言人或解析者语源:1. Late Latin hierophanta 后期拉丁语 hierophanta 2. from Greek hierophant¶s 源自 希腊语 hierophant¶s 3. hieros [holy] * see  eis- hieros [神圣] *参见 eis- 4. -phant¶s [one who shows]  from phainein  phan- [to show] * see  bh³- 1-phant¶s [解析者]  源自 phainein  phan- [解析] *参见 bh³- 1继承用法:hi”erophan“tic  adj.(形容词)




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