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单词 anachronism
释义 anachronism[ə'nækrənizəm]n. 时代错误, 不合潮流的人(物)【法】 时代错误, 落伍的事物 anachronism  AHD:  […-n²k“r…-n¹z”…m] D.J.  [*6n#kr*7n!z*m]K.K.  [*6n#kr*7n!z*m]n.(名词)1. Representation of someone as existing or something as happening in other than the chronological, proper, or historical order.时代错误,年代误植:所叙存在的人或发生的事与年代、历史顺序不符2. One that is out of its proper or chronological order:不合时代的人,不合时代的事:“He is interested in the spirit of the play, and he is not averse to throwing in an anachronism or two if he thinks it will help underscore a point”(&b{Skylines})“他对戏剧所体现的精神很感兴趣,如果有助于强调一个观点的话,他并不反对有一两个时代错误”(地平线)语源:1. French anachronisme 法语 anachronisme 2. from New Latin anachronismus 源自 现代拉丁语 anachronismus 3. from Late Greek anakhronismos 源自 后期希腊语 anakhronismos 4. from anakronizesthai [to be an anachronism] 源自 anakronizesthai [是个时代错误] 5. Greek ana- [ana-] 希腊语 ana- [前缀,表“向后”] 6. Greek khronizein [to take time]  from khronos [time] 希腊语 khronizein [慢慢进行]  源自 khronos [时间] 继承用法:anach”ronis“tic  或  anach“ronous  AHD:  [-n…s] (形容词)anach”ronis“tically  或  adv.(副词)anach“ronously  




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