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单词 hit
释义 hit[hit]n. 打击, 打, 冲撞, 讽刺vt. 打, 打击, 碰撞, 打中, 袭击, 偶然碰上vi. 打, 打中, 打击, 碰撞, 偶然碰上【计】 击中; 找到; 瞬时打扰相关词组:a hit at sbhit it off withhit offhit or misshit outhit the roofhit uphit sb up for a loanhit sb up for workmake a hithit sb's fancyhit the right pathhit the bottlehit sb in the facehit hard atscore a hit hit  hit  AHD:  [h¹t] D.J.  [h!t]K.K.  [h!t]v.(动词)  hit,hit.ting,hits及物动词)1. To come into contact with forcefully; strike:打击:用力地碰;撞击:The car hit the guardrail.汽车撞了护栏2. To reach with or as if with a blow:袭击:碰到或似碰到力击:The bullet hit the police officer in the shoulder.枪射中了警官的肩膀3. To cause to come into contact:使碰到:She hit her hand against the wall.她用手捶着墙壁4. To deal a blow to.给予打击5. To strike with a missile:击中:用子弹打:fired and hit the target.开枪并击中目标6. To press or push (a key or button, for example):按或推(如,键或按钮):hit the return key by mistake.错按回车键7. Sports 【体育运动】 8. To reach with a propelled object:使接住球:使接住推进的物体:hit the running back with a pass.传球给快跑中的后卫9. To score in this way:以这种方式得分:She hit the winning goal.她射门得分10. To perform (a shot or maneuver) successfully:成功实行:成功地实行(射球或策略):couldn't hit the jump shot.跳投未得分11. To propel with a stroke or blow:击打:以打或击的方式推进:hit the ball onto the green.击打草坪上的球12. Baseball 【棒球】 13. To execute (a base hit) successfully:击出安打:成功地实行(安打):hit a single.击出一垒安打14. To bat against (a pitcher or kind of pitch) successfully:成功击中:成功地击打(投球或一种投掷):can't hit a slider.未能击中那个快速变化球15. To affect, especially adversely:尤指负面地影响:The company was hit hard by the recession.公司深受经济萧条的影响16. Informal To come upon or discover, especially by chance:【非正式用语】 尤指偶然遇到或发现:finally hit the right exit.最终找到了正确的出口17. Informal To attain or reach:【非正式用语】 获取或达到:Monthly sales hit a new high. She hit 40 on her last birthday.月销售达到了一个新高潮。上次过生日时她已40岁了18. To accord with; suit:一致;合适:The idea hit my fancy.这个观点和我的想法一样19. To produce or represent accurately:精确地显现或再现:trying to hit the right note.努力找到正确的音符20. Games To deal cards to.【游戏】 分牌,发牌21. Slang To give a drink of liquor or a dose of a narcotic to.【俚语】 给一杯酒或一剂麻药v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To strike or deal a blow.打或打击2. To come into contact with something; collide.与某物接触;冲突3. To attack:袭击:The raiders hit at dawn.突袭队员在拂晓时分发动袭击4. To happen or occur:出现或发生:The storm hit without warning.风暴毫无预兆地来临5. To achieve or find something desired or sought:达成,找到:获得或找到需要或寻求的东西:finally hit on the answer; hit upon a solution to the problem.最终找到了答案;最终寻求到了解决这个问题的方法6. Baseball To bat.【棒球】 (棒球)击打7. To ignite a mixture of air and fuel in the cylinders. Used of an internal-combustion engine.点燃:在汽缸内点火或打火。用于内燃机n.Abbr. h,h.(名词)缩写 h,h.1. A collision or an impact.碰撞或撞击2. A successfully executed shot, blow, thrust, or throw.成功地发射、扔、击或戳3. A successful or popular venture:成功的或风行一时的投机:a Broadway hit.百老汇热门的戏剧4. An apt or effective remark.俏皮话,令人信服的评论5. Baseball A base hit.【棒球】 安打6. Slang 【俚语】 7. A dose of a narcotic drug.麻醉品的一次剂量8. A puff of a cigarette or a marijuana cigarette or pipe.香烟、大麻或烟斗的一次喷吸9. Slang A murder planned and carried out usually by a member of an underworld syndicate.【俚语】 谋杀:通常由一地下犯罪集团成员策划并进行的谋杀案常用词组:hit on 【俚语】  To pay unsolicited and usually unwanted sexual attention to:(性)吸引地注意:对性吸引自发地且通常不受欢迎地注意:can't go into a bar lately without being hit on.最近只要去酒吧,没有不受到注意的hit up 【俚语】  To approach and ask (someone) for something, especially for money:请求,要求:尤指接近并向(某人)索要金钱:tried to hit me up for a loan.试图请求我贷款习惯用语:hit it big【俚语】  To be successful:成功:investors who hit it big on the stock market.投资者在股票市场上获得了成功hit it off【非正式用语】  To get along well together.愉快地交往,相处得很好hit (someone) over the head【非正式用语】  To be so repetitive or obvious as to become redundant or insulting:过分重复或明显变得多余或傲慢:We were simply hit over the head by the poet's misogynistic imagery.我们只是对那位诗人嫌忌女性的幻想感到厌烦hit the books【非正式用语】  To study, especially with concentrated effort.尤指刻苦地学习hit the bottle【俚语】  To engage in drinking alcoholic beverages.喝烈酒hit the fan【俚语】  To have serious, usually adverse consequences.有严重且通常不利的后果hit the ground running【非正式用语】  To begin a venture with great energy, involvement, and competence.倾力投入而开始:以极大的精力、投入或才能开始一项新事业hit the hay 或  hit the sack 【俚语】  To go to bed:去睡觉:hit the hay well before midnight.在午夜前睡觉hit the high points 或  hit the high spots  To direct attention to the most important points or places.注意要点:着重注意最重要的问题或地方hit the jackpot  To become highly and unexpectedly successful, especially to win a great deal of money.大发横财:大的和意外的成功,尤指赢了一大笔钱hit the nail on the head  To be absolutely right.绝对正确hit the road【俚语】  To set out, as on a trip; leave.旅行中出发;离开hit the roof 或  hit the ceiling 【俚语】  To express anger, especially vehemently.尤指勃然大怒hit the spot  To give total or desired satisfaction, as food or drink.给予完全或足够的食物或饮料语源:1. Middle English hitten 中古英语 hitten 2. from Old English hyttan 源自 古英语 hyttan 3. from Old Norse hitta 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 hitta 继承用法:hit“less  adj.(形容词)hit“table  adj.(形容词)




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