单词 | honor |
释义 | honor['ɒnə]n. 荣誉, 头衔, 信用, 尊敬, 名誉, 阁下, 勋章vt. 尊敬, 授予荣誉, 承兑, 实践 honor hon.or AHD: [¼n“…r] D.J. [6Kn*]K.K. [6$n+]n.(名词)1. High respect, as that shown for special merit; esteem:尊敬:对特殊美德的高度尊重;尊敬:the honor shown to a Nobel laureate.对诺贝尔桂冠诗人的尊敬2. Good name; reputation.美称;名誉3. A source or cause of credit:名誉的来源或原因:was an honor to the profession.这项职业的美誉4. Glory or recognition; distinction.荣耀或认同;荣誉5. A mark, token, or gesture of respect or distinction:表示尊敬或荣誉的记号、象征或姿势:the place of honor at the table.餐桌上的主位6. A military decoration.军队勋章7. A title conferred for achievement.奖赏其成就的头衔8. Nobility of mind; probity.心灵的高贵;正直9. High rank.高位10. The dignity accorded to position:赋予职位的尊严:awed by the honor of his office.慑于他职位的威严11. Great privilege:荣幸:极大的特权:I have the honor to present the governor.我很荣幸能介绍我们的州长12. Honor Used withHis, Her, or Your as a title and form of address for certain officials, such as judges and mayors: Honor 阁下:与His, Her 或 Your 连用,作为一种头衔和对某些官员的称谓,例如法官和市长: Her Honor the Mayor.市长阁下13. A code of integrity, dignity, and pride, chiefly among men, that was maintained in some societies, as in feudal Europe, by force of arms.社会礼法:在某些社会,象封建时期的欧洲以武力维护的正直、尊严和骄傲的准则,主要对男人而言14. Principled uprightness of character; personal integrity.正直:性格的原则性正直;个人正义感15. A woman's chastity or reputation for chastity.贞洁,淑德:一个女人的贞洁或贞洁的美誉16. honors Social courtesies offered to guests:honors 礼遇:给予客人的社交礼遇:did the honors at tea.在茶会时尽地主之谊17. honors honors 18. Special recognition for unusual academic achievement:优等成绩奖:对超常学术成绩的特别承认:graduated with honors.以优等成绩毕业19. A program of individual advanced study for exceptional students:为优等生特别开设的高级课程:planned to take honors in history.计划参加历史进修课程20. Sports The right of being first at the tee in golf.【体育运动】 先打权:在高尔夫球中首先发球的权利21. Games 【游戏】 22. Any of the four or five highest cards, especially the ace, king, queen, jack, and ten of the trump suit, in card games such as bridge or whist.最高牌:扑克游戏例如桥牌或惠斯特中最大的四张或五张牌,尤指么点、国王、王后、杰克及王牌中的1023. The points allotted to these cards. Often used in the plural.牌的总点数:以上牌的点数。常为复数v.tr.(及物动词) hon.ored,hon.or.ing,hon.ors 1. To hold in respect; esteem.尊敬;尊重2. To show respect for.对…表示尊敬3. To bow to (another dancer) in square dancing:方块舞中对(舞伴)行礼:Honor your partner.对您的舞伴行礼4. To confer distinction on:给予…荣誉:He has honored us with his presence.他的到来是我们的光荣5. To accept or pay as valid:承兑或兑现:honor a check; a store that honors all credit cards.兑现支票;接受所有信用卡的商店习惯用语:honor bound Under an obligation enforced by the personal integrity of the one obliged:道义上有责任做:由于受惠者个人的正直而迫使其承担某种责任:I was honor bound to admit that she had done the work.出于道义上的责任我不得不承认她已经做了工作语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin 源自 拉丁语 继承用法:hon“orer n.(名词)参考词汇:1. honor,homage,reverence,veneration,deference2. These nouns denote admiration, respect, or esteem accorded to another as a right or as due.这些名词表示作为一种权利或应得之物而给予另一个人的敬慕、尊敬或尊重。3. Honor, the most general term,is applicable both to the feeling and to the expression of such sentiments: Honor 是最常用的单词,它既适用于情感也适用于表达类似感情的方式: He tried to be worthy of the honor in which he was held.他想努力做到名副其实。4. Homage is an expression of high regard and respect,often in the form of a ceremonial tribute that conveys allegiance: Homage 表达很高的评价和尊敬,常采用表达效忠的正式颂辞这一形式: “There is no country in which so absolute a homage is paid to wealth” (Ralph Waldo Emerson).“没有一个国家对财富显示如此绝对的敬意” (拉尔夫·华尔多·爱默生)。5. Reverence is a feeling of deep respect and devotion: Reverence 是深沉的敬意与奉献这样一种情感: “Kill reverence and you've killed the hero in man” (Ayn Rand).“杀死崇敬之心你便杀死了人之豪杰” (爱思·然德)。6. Veneration is both the feeling and the reverential expression of respect, love, and awe: Veneration 既为情感也是对尊敬、热爱或敬畏的虔诚表达方式: Her veneration for traditional learning never wavered.她对传统学问的敬意从未动摇。7. Deference is courteous, respectful regard for anotherthat often takes the form of yielding to his or her decisions or wishes: Deference 是指对另一个人的礼貌和敬重,经常表现为屈服于他或她的决定或愿望: don't give undue deference to the opinions and feelings of others. See also Synonyms at &b{honesty} 不要对他人的意见和感情给予过分的尊重 参见同义词 honesty |
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