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单词 analogue
释义 analogue['ænəlɒg]n. 类似物, 相似情况【医】 类似物, 同型物, 相似器官, 同功异质体 analogue  analogue 也作 an.a.log  AHD:  [²n“…-lôg”, -l¼g”] D.J.  [6#n*7l%8g, -7lKg]K.K.  [6#n*7l%g, -7l$g]n.(名词)1. Something that bears an analogy to something else:相似物,类似情况:与其他事物有相似之处的物品:Surimi is marketed as an analogue of crabmeat.碎鱼块被当作蟹肉代用品出售2. Biology An organ or structure that is similar in function to one in another kind of organism but is of dissimilar evolutionary origin.【生物学】 同功异质体:与另一种有机体演变来源不同但功能相似的器官或结构3. Chemistry A structural derivative of a parent compound that often differs from it by a single element.【化学】 类似物:一个母化合物的结构衍生物,通常只有一个元素不同adj.(形容词)1. Often analog Of, relating to, or being a device in which data are represented by variable measurable physical quantities.常作 analog 类比数据的:关于或作为一种仪器,其数据由可测物理变量代表2. Often analog Computer Science Of or relating to an analog computer.常作 analog 【计算机科学】 模拟计算机的,或与模拟计算机有关的语源:1. French [analogous, analogue] 法语 [相似的,类似物] 2. from Medieval Latin analogus 源自 中世纪拉丁语 analogus 3. from Greek analogos [proportionate] * see  analogous 源自 希腊语 analogos [成比例的] *参见 analogous




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