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单词 Hopewell
释义 Hopewell 1  Hopewell 1  AHD:  [h½p“wµl”, -w…l] D.J.  [6h*&p7wel, -w*l]K.K.  [6hop7wWl, -w*l]n.(名词)An early Native American culture centered in the Ohio River valley from about the second centuryb.c.  to the fourth century a.d. , noted for the construction of extensive earthworks and large conical burial mounds and for its highly developed arts and crafts. 霍普韦尔:早期印第安人文化,以俄亥俄河谷为中心,约从公元前 2世纪到 公元 4世纪因其大规模土木工程建筑,庞大的锥形坟墓和高度发达的艺术和工艺而闻名 语源:After the owner of a farm in Ross County, Ohio 源自俄亥俄州罗斯县一个农场主的名字  Hopewell 2  Hopewell 2  AHD:  [h½p“wµl”] D.J.  [6h*&p7wel]K.K.  [6hop7wWl]NONE(无词性)An independent city of southeast Virginia south-southeast of Richmond. It was founded in 1913 as a munitions center. Population, 23,101.霍普韦尔:弗吉尼亚州东南部的独立市,位于里士满东南偏南。建于1913年,当时作为军火中心。人口23,101




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