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单词 hot
释义 hot[hɒt]a. 热的, 热心的, 辣的, 热情的, 激动的, 猛烈的, 紧迫的ad. 热, 紧迫地【医】 热的, 强放射性的相关词组:hot under the collarhot uphot on the heels ofall hot and botheredblow hot and coldget hotgo hot and coldmake it hot for sbnot so hotget into hot water hot  hot  AHD:  [h¼t] D.J.  [hKt]K.K.  [h$t]adj.(形容词)  hot.ter,hot.test 1. Having or giving off heat capable of burning.热的:具有或散发能燃烧的热量的2. Being at a high temperature.温度高的3. Being at or exhibiting a temperature that is higher than normal or desirable:发烫的:处于或显示比正常或需要的温度要高的温度:a hot forehead.发烫的前额4. Causing a burning sensation, as in the mouth; spicy:辛辣的:引起火辣辣的感觉的,如在嘴里;辛辣刺激的:hot peppers; a hot curry.辛辣的胡椒粉;辛辣的咖喱粉5. Charged or energized with electricity:充电的,有电能的:a hot wire.高压电线6. Radioactive, especially to a dangerous degree.高放射性的:放射性的,特别是达危险程度的7. Marked by intensity of emotion; ardent or fiery:火热的,热烈的;激烈的或暴躁的:a hot temper.火爆的脾气8. Having or displaying great enthusiasm; eager:热烈的,热切的:具有或显示强烈感情的;热切的:hot for travel.热衷于旅行9. Informal Arousing intense interest, excitement, or controversy:【非正式用语】 引起强烈兴趣的,令人激动的,有争议的:a hot new book; a hot topic.一本畅销的新书;有争议的话题10. Informal Marked by excited activity or energy:【非正式用语】 激烈的,热络的:充满激动人心的活动或能量的:a hot week on the stock market.股票市场激烈的一周11. Violent; raging:猛烈的,激烈的:a hot battle.激烈的战斗12. Slang Sexually excited or exciting.【俚语】 性冲动的,令性冲动的13. Slang 【俚语】 14. Recently stolen:刚失窃的:a hot car.刚失窃的汽车15. Wanted by the police:被通缉的:a hot suspect.被通缉的嫌疑犯16. Close to a successful solution or conclusion:接近的:接近正确的解答或结论的:hot on the trail.即将找到失去的线索17. Informal 【非正式用语】 18. Most recent; new or fresh:最近的;新的或新鲜的:a hot news item; the hot fashions for fall.最新消息;秋天的流行时装19. Currently very popular or successful:炙手可热的:正值流行的或成功的:one of the hottest young talents around.近来炙手可热的年轻才俊之一20. Requiring immediate action or attention:抢手的:需立即采取行动的或立即注意的:a hot opportunity.抢手的机会21. Slang Very good or impressive. Often used in the negative:【俚语】 很好的或予以深刻印象的。常用于否定句:I'm not so hot at math.我对数学没有如此擅长22. Slang Funny or absurd:【俚语】 有趣的,荒谬的:told a hot one about the neighbors' dog.讲一个有关邻居家的狗的有趣故事23. Slang 【俚语】 24. Performing with great skill and daring:技艺精湛的,有胆识的:a hot drummer.技艺精湛的鼓手25. Fast and responsive:快速的,反应快的:a hot sports car.开得飞快的赛车26. Unusually lucky:异乎寻常的幸运的:hot at craps.赌运极佳的27. Music Of, relating to, or being an emotionally charged style of performance marked by strong rhythms and improvisation:【音乐】 节奏强烈的:与一种充满感情的,拍子强烈而又即兴的演奏方式有关的:hot jazz.强烈而又即兴的爵士乐28. Color Bold and bright.【色彩】 浓重明亮的n.(名词) Slang Strong sexual attraction or desire. Used withthe.  【俚语】 强烈的性吸引或性欲。与the 连用 adv.(副词)1. In a hot manner; hotly.激烈地;热心地2. While hot:趁热地:foods that are best eaten hot.需趁热吃的食物及物动词)  hot.ted,hot.ting,hots Informal To cause to increase in intensity or excitement. Often used withup : 【非正式用语】 使兴奋,使激动:使提高激烈或兴奋程度。常与up 连用: “His book is an exercise in the fashionable art of instant history, in which every episode is hotted up with an anecdote”(&b{Harper's})“他的书是对当今流行艺术的实践,其中每一个插曲都用一件故事来使之更令人兴奋”(哈珀)习惯用语:hot and bothered【非正式用语】  In a state of agitated excitement; flustered:激动的,兴奋的;急躁的:all hot and bothered before the opening performance.开幕式开始前,所有的人都激动不已hot to trot【俚语】  1. Sexually avid; lascivious.性欲旺盛的;淫欲的2. Ready and willing; eager.主动的,愿意的;热切的hot under the collar【非正式用语】  Angry.愤怒的make it hot for【俚语】  To make things uncomfortable or dangerous for:把事情变得令人不快的或危险的:Don't make it hot for yourself by needlessly finding fault.不要吹毛求疵而使自己不快语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English h³t * see  kai- 源自 古英语 h³t *参见 kai- 继承用法:hot“ness  n.(名词)




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